Part 1- Braidz

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       It had been three months since Kassidy join the band as a backup singer, just to give the songs some extra harmony. It had been three months since Y/n wanted to quit the band, for said reasons.

She tried her best to be Kassidy's friend. She even went out of her way and invited her to sleepover at her house just so they could get acquainted. But Kassidy did not care about Y/n, to take it a step further, you could say she hated her. Which lead to Y/n hating Kassidy.

"Billie!" Kassidy said for what felt like the hundredth time, "that rift was so good!" She said as she clapped her hands together. They were all in the demo studio trying to get some practice in for their upcoming show tomorrow night.

"Eh thanks," Billie said as he rested guitar up against it's stand.

"Meh I've done it better," Y/n teased as she walked by her crush.

"Like hell," he flirted back as he watched Y/n walk by. Y/n stuck her tongue out as she took the only available seat that was next to Kassidy. "Where are the boys?" Billie asked looking at the clock on the wall, "they said that they would be back in five minutes."

"I dunno," Y/n said, "last I checked they were getting something to eat.

"I'm gonna get them, do you girls what anything when I get back?" He asked as got up with a stretch.

"A Monster please," Kassidy said in a baby-like voice (that made Y/n just want to roll her eyes.)

"What about you Y/n? Want anything?"

"Just for you to hurry back," she said with a plastered smiled that she only wore when she was around unliked company.

Billie gave Y/n a miniature wink as he joged  down the halls, trying to move at his fastest for Y/n's sake. Y/n laughed as she watched from the glass window, there she was, stuck with someone who she still wanted to be friends with.

"Hey Y/n," Kassidy said changing her tone of voice to be a lot deeper it was than when she was talking to Billie, "don't you think Billie is just so hot?" She asked being utterly obvious.

"I guess," Y/n said not playing into her mean girl games.

"Like from to his spiky hair to his tattoos on his chest, gorgeous," she said as she crossed her legs to face Y/n. "And I know he has a type," Kassidy said raising her eyebrows.

"Cool," Y/n said still not caring for the fact that Kassidy was trying to fish for information. Y/n pulled all of her long hair to the side and then began to playfully braid it herself.

"He likes girls with curves in tight clothes," she said egging on Y/n. And he likes beauty marks, he complements mine all the time," she said going in for the kill.

"Beauty mark?" Y/n said as she examined Kassidy's body.

"Oh, you haven't seen it already?" She asked as she lowered her shirt to show the pretty little beauty mark on the top of her right boob, "Billie loves it." I've got another one on my here Kassidy said as she unbuttoned her pants to reveal a second one on her pelvis.

"The other night when we had our concert I got so drunk at Billie took me to his house," Kassidy explained, her words felt like poison to Y/n. She led over and started to play with Y/n's long hair that draped over her shoulders.

"We both drank at his house and the next thing I knew, we were ripping each other's clothes off," she said with a squeak in her voice.

Y/n's eyes widened at this new information she didn't know what to say. Billie couldn't see something like that unless Kassidy was naked. "Oh," was all that Y/n could manage to say. Kassidy was beautiful, she had all the right curves and a pretty pair of lips. Maybe Billie did sleep with her. Maybe Y/n had been reading his signs wrong the whole time. Maybe he did like Kassidy-

"Found them!" Billy said as he grabbed the two bone heads by the clothier there shirts.

"I would tell you what took so long but seeing is that you two are ladies I must be a gentleman about it. Here you go sunshine," Billie said as he handed Kassidy her drink.

"Thank you," Kassidy said giving Billie her baby doll eyes as she looked up at him

"Alright let's get to work," Milk said as he took his position, leaving Y/n completely heartbroken with her on imagination.

Soon everyone was practicing one of their most popular songs; Welcome To Paradise. With both the girls singing back up they sounded ridiculously good except for one thing, Y/n kept fucking up on her guitar solo.

"Are you okay?" Tré asked as he continued to bang on his drums.

"Yes," she said as she still tried to play her solo.

"Are you positive?" Kassidy asked getting into her head.

"Yes," Y/n said in the same annoyed tone as she failed to play yet proceeded to play her solo.

"Y/n?" Billie said in a concerned voice.

Just then, as if that were the last straw she took her guitar and threw it angrily on the floor. "Jesus Christ can you just fuck off?!" She asked insulted as she stormed out of the rehearsal room.

The room went silent as they watch Y/n leave. The gang had worked together for years ad had never saw react like this before, "I've gotta talk to her," Billie said as he took off his guitar as walked towards the door, just then a hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder.

"Let her cool off," Kassidy said as she noticeably pressed her body against Billie's. "I guess some people can't handle the pressure of being in a band."

Billie looked down and knew what she meant right away.

"Kassidy, what did you do?"

Stay tuned for part 2!

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