Park Lovers

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       "Jesus Christ, how did I let my sister talk me into this?" Billie whispered to himself as he kicked a stone along the sidewalk. "Why the fuck do I have to be the one that 'welcomes' the new neighbours. I'm seventeen years old Christ sakes!"

He walked up to the old run-down house that was much like his own and rang the doorbell, "fuck!" he said one last time getting it off his chest.

"Hello?" A voice said, Billie looked up at the door to see the prettiest face he's ever seen.

"Hi," he said at a loss for words, "I'm- your neighbour," he explained as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that he had just met the most beautiful girl in the world.

"I'm Y/n," she said with a smile as she shyly hid behind the door.

"Billie," he said trying to be charming as he stuck out his hand.

"Listen this might not be the best time-"

"Y/N! What are you doing?" A voice yelled out from inside the house?

"Nothing!" Y/n said as she turned her head in panic.

Billie understood right away what kind of family Y/n belonged to.

"I'd like to show you around sometimes," Billie whispered as he backed up, "just say the word."

Y/n gave a soft sad smile and nodded, "I would like that," she whispered. She then closed the door leaving Billie with a worried face.

"Who was at the door?" Y/n's sister said as she charged up to her.

"Nobody," Y/n said as she tried to break free from her sister cornering her.

"It sounded like a boy?" She investigated.

"You already know, you were eavesdropping," Y/n stated as she looked at her older sister.

"I'd like to show you around sometimes," her sister mocked. Jesus not only do we have to the middle of nowhere, but now you're flirting with boys you don't know?" She said as she shoved at Y/n's shoulder.

"Stop," Y/n whispered as she swatted her older sister's hand down. Well if that didn't just piss her off because the next thing she knew she got a slap across the cheek.

"Bitch!" Her sister wailed at her, "don't ever do that again!"

Y/n held her cheek as she looked at the person who she hated more than anyone. She moved her hand from behind her back to the doorknob. "Fuck you," she whispered as she took off out of the front door.

Y/n ran as far as she could for as long as she could. "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!" she constantly whispered to herself as she ran. Soon the adrenaline wore out and Y/n found herself near a park.

She wander on the green grass, the park was empty. She sat on a nearby swing set as she slowly rocked herself for comfort.

"Hey you," she heard a voice speak softly to her.

Y/n turned her head to see Billie. His expression went from sweet to hurtful, "did someone hit you?" He asked not sugar-coating it.

Y/n held her cheek to feel it still glowing, "my sister," Y/n said as she look at her lap.

"What happened?" He asked as took a seat next to her on the swing set.

"She just- mean," Y/n said with a crack in her voice.

Billie said as he stared at Y/n's red cheek. "Does she do that a lot?" He asked in a whisper-like voice.

"Enough," Y/n said as she covered cheek with her hand.

Billie didn't know what to say. Instead, he just slightly swung over and lightly grabbed her hand.

Y/n blushed as she felt his hand in hers, "thanks Billie," she said as she looked at the boy who she quickly had a crush on. "What happened to your elbow?" She asked as she saw it all scraped up.

"Oh this is nothing," he said looking at his wound, "this is from skateboarding."

"You skateboard?" She asked wide-eyed. "I wish I could skate but my balance is terrible," Y/n said honestly.

"I have it with me, I could show you a couple of tricks?" He asked as he stood up.

Y/n giggled, "I'll only make of fool of myself."

"No way," Billie said as he took both of her hands, "by the end of the session you'll be skating like a pro!"

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," Y/n laughed as Billie led her to a small piece of concrete to practice on.

"Okay first your gonna want to put your feet like this," Billie said as Y/n stood on his board.

"Don't let me fall on the floor!" Y/n instantly panicked as she laughed in fear.

"I won't, I won't!" Billie said smiling at her excitement now im going to walk alongside you, and I want you to lean with the board."

"Okay," Y/n said as she white-knuckled his hand.

Billie walked alongside Y/n as she trembled on the board, "okay lean," he said having fun with the situation.

Y/n leaned and continued to do so until she began to tip off the skateboard, "Billie!" She squeaked.

"Whoa hang on!" Billie said as he tried his best to catch her. Y/n landed in his arms as his back hit the hard floor.

"Are you okay?!" Y/n panicked as she looked at the boy who she just crushed.

"Fine," Billie said as he smiled at her.

"You said you would let me fall on the floor," Y/n said as she continued to look down at the boy with a smile.

"I kept my promise," Billie said as he put on hand on the back of his head as he was enjoying Y/n's weight on his, "I hit the floor, you didn't."

Y/n's face reddened as she noticed that she was still on him. "Sorry," she said as she looked down at Billie.

"No need," he said with a smirk.

However Y/n didn't get up, instead, she slowly lowered her face to meet his. Billie raised his head to give Y/n a soft kiss on the lips. Soon they both pulled away with rosy faces.

"Thanks for cheering me up Billie," Y/n said with a smile.

"I'll be here whenever you need me Y/n," Billie said as he looked up at the girl who he had completely fallen in love with.

Billie Joe Armstrong ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now