Part 2- Braidz

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       Billie looked down and knew what she meant right away. "Kassidy, what did you do?"

"What do you mean?" She said acting innocently, "I didn't-"

"No, what did you do? Y/n was fine until I left you alone with her," Billie said as he kept his firm attention on Kassidy.

"Y/n's a big girl Billie, let her take care of herself," Kassidy said calmly as she rubbed Billie's shoulder.

Billie began to head for the door once again when all of a sudden he was stopped by Mike. "I think it would be best to let Y/n cooldown by herself," he declared respectfully. Billie didn't say a word, he simply just stared at the door that Y/n stormed off from.

Soon the day passed, the band had a concert that night and there was no sight of Y/n! Of course they had plannes to meet up for the performance but Y/n didn't ride with any of them, who was to say that she would even show up? Mike and Tré tried calling her, Billie searched back stage for her and Kassidy sat down annoyed that Y/n was getting all the attention.

"Guys!" Tré said relieved, "she's here."

"Where is she though," Billie demanded.

"She's coming through the backstage entrance," Tré said sheepishly.

Billie then stormed off to find Y/n, once he found her he was fuming. "What's up with you?" He asked, "where have you been?"

"Away," Y/n said as she got herself organized, she was wearing more eye make up than usual.

"We're on in five minutes you can't just disappear from practice and-"

"Watch me," Y/n snapped back.

"Guys were on!" Mike said as he rushed the gang onto the stage.

Everything was happening so fast, soon everyone was on the platform, the audience could feel the tension within the band. Y/n was playing aggressively and Billie felt awful. He felt terrible for how he approached her and didn't even know why she was upset.

Every time he would look at Y/n she would look away. However, soon came Y/n solo, her fingers gliding through the cords just like she had practiced. She was playing with so much anger and aggression and Billie didn't even know why, he then realize that her long hair was falling over her shoulder.

As Y/n continued to play hurtfully she felt a pair of hands grab her hair gently. Billie was carefully braiding Y/n's hair as she played her guitar solo and the crowd went nuts.

Y/n stopped playing and turned around to not look at an old friend but to see the person she loved. The idea of falling in love with a person like him made her run off the stage mid-performance.

"Y/n!" Billie said as he too took off from the stage. "Y/n please," he said as he ran after her, "what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?!" She shouted, "you're a fuckin jerk off you know that!" She said as she slipped out of her guitar strap.

"Well we can't all run away like you usually do," Billie shot back, "you don't talk to me and now you're mad at me for no fuckin' reason!"

This was the first time Billie had ever yelled at Y/n and she didn't like it.

"I can't read your fuckin mind so tell me what's the problem," Billie persisted.

"You're the problem!" Y/n broke down as she undid the braid that Billie fixed for her. "You and I were perfect- I know about Kassidy!"

"What about Kassidy?" Billie asked confused.

"That you guys slept together!" Y/n said as she stormed closer to him. "That you brought her to your house, got drunk and-"

"Who told you this?" Billie asked stopping Y/n and her tracks.

"Kassidy," she confessed.

"And you believe her?" He asked in a low tone.

"Tell me you didn't take her to your house," Y/n whispered back.

Billie paused for a moment as he looked into Y/n's deep miserable eyes. "I did," he confided.

Y/n shook her head in disbelief as her heart slowly began to break.

"Only because she was already drunk," Billie admitted, "she was drunk and I wanted to make sure she was safe."

"But you saw her beauty marks?" Y/n said quizzing Billie.

"Once I brought her home she started flirting with me and began to get undressed, I fixed her up and brought her to the guest room so that she could sleep it off. I never did anything with her," Billie said as he placed his hands on Y/n's shoulders.

"How do I know you're telling me the truth?" She asked skeptically.

"Because Mike came home with me too and we ended up playing with my PlayStation all night long," he said as slid his hands down Y/n's arms to hold her hands.

"You're telling me that's the truth?" Y/n asked as she accepted his hands into hers.

"Yes," Billie said. "I swear, I don't want to be with anyone- unless it's you."

Y/n then unexpectedly threw her hands around Billie's neck and dove in for a kiss. Billie's eyes widened as he placed his hands on Y/n's back.

She pulled away with a giggle. "Come on," Billie said as he took her hand, "I think we have a concert to finish."

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