Numer One Rule: No Dating

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       There was one and only one rule in the band, better to be safe than sorry: no dating within the group!

It was a rule made up by their managers. There was only one problem with that, Billie had the biggest crush on Y/n ever since she punched him in the seventh grade. Mike and Tré wanted Y/n and Billie to get on with it already, it had been years since they shipped it!

They had been close for years but due to the band's only rule, Billie couldn't act on it. Everything was going smoothly until that rainy day.

Y/n was being picked up from the studio by her boyfriend, Jason.

"Hey, babe, ready to go?" He asked as he showed up half an hour early.

"Um, Ya if it's okay with you guy?" Y/n asked as she looked at Billie, Mike and Tré for approval.

"Of course," Tré said for Y/n's sake. The boys completely hated Jason, he was an awful boyfriend to Y/n. He wouldn't show up for days on end and expect Y/n to forgive him. And like a routine, she forgave him every time he screwed up. Billie wanted nothing more than to be with Y/n but he couldn't, not only because of the rule but of her devotion to Jason.

"Great, I'll grab my bag," Y/n said as she rested her guitar and began to walk over to Jason. Jason then spanked Y/n rear with force leaving Billie completely irritated. The boys could see how uncomfortable she was when he did that, Billie waited for Y/n to leave before he spoke out.

"Don't fuckin' do that man," he said as he placed his guitar on a nearby stand.

"Do what?" Jason said in an idiotic voice.

"Don't slap her ass in front of other people, she's like family to us," he said as he gave him a disgusted face.

"Your right man," Jason said as he walked up to Billie, "I'll spank her ass later in private," he asserted as he looked down at him.

Billie was ready to take a swing at him when all of a sudden Y/n came back into the room with her purse. "Okay let's go," she said not knowing about the tense situation in front of her, "see you guys later!"

Jason winked at Billie as he threw his arm around Y/n leaving Billie brokenhearted.

Just then a pump of adrenaline kicked in, he wanted Y/n. He needed her to be okay. "You guys wait here, I'll be back!" He said as he ran out the door.

"GO TO HER!" He heard Mike and Tré yell from the recording room, which was an extra boost of confidence. Billie ran down the hallway looking for where they had gone. He slightly turned the corner to hear a mindless voice on the phone. Billie pressed his back to the edge of the wall as he eavesdropped.

"No baby I've got time," Jason said in a seductive voice. "I can't tonight, I'll be there tomorrow."

"He's cheating?" Billie whispered to himself.

"I love you too Mackenzie, see you tomorrow night-"

"You son of a bitch!" Billie said as he punched Jason in the back of the head. "You've been sleeping around while dating Y/n?!"

Jason fumbled for a moment as he proceeded to grab Billie by the collar of his shirt. "Shut the fuck up jackass!" Jason said as he threw Billie to the floor. "Tell Y/n this and I'll make her quit your fuckin emo band!"

"Fuck you dickless," Billie said from the floor.

"I know you like Y/n," Jason said with a smirk, "think about her tonight while I'm the one screwing her-"

"Sorry about that," Y/n said as she walked into the halls to meet Jason, "I left my phone in the- Billie?!" She asked as she saw him on the floor with a red cheek.

"He just fell that's all," Jason said as he yanked Billie onto his feet, "he was just leaving-"

"Y/n," Billie announced not caring that Jason was there, "I've gotta tell you something-"

"Y/n," Jason said cutting Billie off, "what Billie wanted to say was... He likes you." Y/n paused as she looked at Billie whose eyes had frozen. "He's liked you for years-"

"Not as much as you like Mackenzie," Billie shot back.

Y/n face changed from surprised to disgusted, "Mackenzie?" she asked as she looked back at Jason. "You're still messing around with her behind my back?"

"No baby it's not like that," Jason lied through his teeth.

Y/n didn't wait for an explanation from him, she simply began to run down the hall and didn't stop until she reached the doors.

"Y/n!" Billie said as he ran after her leaving Jason behind. "Y/n, wait!" Once he got outside he looked around in a pure panic to see she was gone.

"Fuck," he huffed as he ran around looking for her. He ran down a busy sidewalk scanning faces when all of a sudden he felt something hit the tip of his nose. "Ah crap, it's starting to rain!" This made him pick up the pace a little bit.

Soon he cut a corner accidentally bumping into someone who was shielding themselves from the rain, even though they were dripping soaked.

"Y/n?!" He exhaled. "Y/n I'm so-"

"He's done this before," Y/n said as she held her cold wet arms, "I just didn't want to listen to myself."

"Hey it's okay," Billie said as he placed his hands on where she had been holding her arms.

"Is it true?" Y/n asked as she looked into Billie's deep eyes. "About you... Liking me?"

"Um," Billie said as he ran his fingers through his wet hair. "Well y' y'know," he continued to dance around the question, this made Y/n blush. "Ya," he finally declared, "I've liked you for a while now-"

Just the Y/n pressed her lips onto Billie's, and for the first time in her life, she experienced what real love was.

"So now what?" She asked as she shielded herself from the rain. While looking at a soaked Y/n. 

"Isn't it obvious?" He said as he took off his jacket and placed it over Y/n's body in a respectful manner, "I'm taking you home."

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