Letter #4

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Hey, I finally have time to write today! Isn't that amazing! It only took me some alcohol poisoning to end up in the hospital and get time. 

I really have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to write right now. I have nothing to say right now. Not a thought. Just alcohol...

Actually, I met the were-tiger boy, Atsushi. He's a nice boy, completely gave up on everything after you left though. 

I found him on the rooftop again, he was awake this time. Of course, he immediately tried to attack but gave up right after I blocked his attack. He said, "Just kill me and get it over with. Painless please." 

I know, I was shocked too. What did you do to this kid for him to immediately give up his life after you did? Even Ryuunosuke is doing better than that. He hasn't tried it.

He hasn't tried anything actually. He just sits in his room with Rashoumon or Gin. He actually hasn't gone on any missions. Sometimes, when I pass his door, I'm pretty sure I can hear him crying. I want to go in, give him a hug and let him let it all out but he's quick at hiding his emotions. He doesn't trust anyone to know he has emotions. No matter how many times I tell him emotions are part of being human, he just brushes it off and labels it a "weakness" in his head. I can't deny that I used to do the same. You remember that?

We both know that was a whole different situation...

Well, I have to go now. 

Love you.


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