Salvatore Boarding House

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[Elena is still locked in the cellar, her breathing labored. Damon and Stefan discuss their plan upstairs in the parlor.]

James : sorry quick question why she's locked up?
Damon : because she is a vampire and she turned her humanity off
Sirius : ohh cool

The Scooby Doo gang was shocked that they didn't do anything.... As the witches hates vampires

Bonnie : sorry do you not hate vampires ?
Lilly : we are different types of witches and we don't take powers from nature we have our own core
Kol : Really but why didn't we know anything about you guys?
Regulus : After the salem Witch trial and the statue os secrecy have placed they become unknown to our world
Elijah : So do you have any other creatures?
Hayley : Yea they have vampires, werewolves, dragons, goblin, unicorns and so much more

The mikaelson family as well as Scooby Doo gang were shocked...

Damon: She's the calmest desiccating vampire I've ever seen. I remember when you starved me down there for three days. I would've wept at your feet for an orange peel.

Stefan: Look, she's not gonna beg for blood. Begging means desperation, emotion. She's still in no-humanity zone.

Damon: How hungry does she have to be before we can torture some feelings back into her?

Stefan: A lot hungrier than she is now, apparently.

Damon: So what are we supposed to do in the meantime?

[Katherine enters the room.]

Remus : Wow you look like the same girl as before are you guys twins or something?
Katherine : we are not twin she's my descendent
James : How? And what's your age?

Lily smacks James head ..

James : Oww Why lily-flower?
Lily : You can't ask a woman her age
Katherine: it's fine . My age is like over a 500 years
James and Sirius : Damn

Katherine: Maybe I can provide a little excitement.
Stefan: Katherine.

Katherine: The one and only...sort of. So, when's the Welcome Home party?

[Katherine proceeds to pour herself a drink.]

Damon: Wow, look who went and got bold. Last time I checked, Klaus was plotting your eternal demise.

Katherine: Well, it doesn't matter anymore, because Klaus is gone.

Stefan: Wait, what do you mean he's gone?

Katherine: Let's just say that werewolf girl, Hayley, turned out to be just the thing we needed to get Klaus out of our lives-- for good.

Remus : Hayley What did you do?
Hayley : Remus How can you say about me like this?
(Hands on her chest) you broke my heart..
Remus : Hayley I can't deal with another prankster in our family

Hayley just grins ...

[Katherine smiles.]

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