Bar In New Orleans

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[Hayley sits at a largely deserted bar at midday. The bartender talks to her.]

Jane-Anne: Third time in here this week.

Hayley: I'm obsessed with the gumbo, Jane-Anne.

Jane-Anne: You know, ladies in the 9th ward say my sister, Sophie, bleeds a piece of her soul into every dish.

[Jane-Anne glances across the room at her sister, who is working on the other side of the restaurant.]

Hayley: I asked around the Quarter about my family.....

Jane-Anne: And?

Hayley: Nothing. Zero. I can't find a single person who remembers them.

Remus : you didn't learn anything about your family?
Hayley: No

Jane-Anne: Because, Hayley, people like you were run out of here years ago.

Hayley: What do you mean, people like me?

[Jane-Anne walks around the bar to the other side to stand beside Hayley. Sophie watches them. Jane-Anne sets a map on the bar.]

Jane-Anne: In the bayou, they call the werewolves "Roux-Ga-Roux". [She circles a point on the map.] You head out there, you'll find what you're looking for. Be careful. It's the last place you'd ever want to go.

[Hayley, taking the map, nods at her, smiles, and leaves the bar. Jane-Anne and Sophie exchange glances, and Jane-Anne reveals that she has several strands of Hayley's hair in her hand.]

James : How dare she!
Azalea : Dad calm down Hayley can manage this is it right Hayley?
Hayley : of course

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