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[Hayley is driving down a country road; the shots alternate a few times between her and a scene with Jane-Anne and Sophie entering a cemetery, in which all the tombs are above-ground mausoleums.]

Sophie: Don't do it. Please. What if I'm wrong about her?

Remus : Now what did you get into?
Hayley : How will I know?

Jane-Anne: That's the beauty of you-- you're never wrong. She's the only way we're gonna get to Klaus.

Sophie: Can we get someone else to do the spell?

Jane-Anne: Who? Half the witches don't believe you, the other half are too scared.

Sophie: Because they know we're gonna get caught, Jane-Anne.

Jane-Anne: We don't have any other options, Sophie.

[They join hands. Sophie has tears in her eyes.]

Jane-Anne: Now go. You know what you need to do.

[Sophie nods at her. Later that day, Jane-Anne is still at the cemetery at night. She has lit several candles and appears to be preparing a spell, arranging salt in a specific arrangement on a wooden surface. Meanwhile, Hayley parks her car somewhere in the bayou and looks at the map. At the cemetery, Jane-Anne lights another candle, and the map Hayley is holding ignites.]

Hayley: What the...?

[Hayley tosses the flaming paper out of the window. Jane-Anne lifts a smoking goblet to the table; Hayley puts her car in reverse but the car starts to produce smoke and stops working.]

Hayley: Are you kidding me?

[Hayley gets out of the car. Jane-Anne continues to arrange the salt into patterns on the table. Hayley dials a number on her cell phone.]

Hayley: Hey, I'm looking for a tow service?

Azalea : You should have called me or Tom but you called a tow service

Hayley just smiles...

[Jane-Anne starts humming; Hayley's phone produces an ear-piercing noise. She pulls it away from her ear, grimacing in discomfort, throws it on the ground and covers her ears. As Jane-Anne continues to conduct her spell, shadowy figures begin approaching Hayley, emerging from the trees. At the same moment that Jane-Anne lifts a candle and blows the flame out, Hayley passes out and falls to the ground. Sophie half-catches her as the others draw nearer.]

Hayley : Sirius calm down I'm ok now
Bellatrix: but Hayley you are  like another black for us and we blacks always protect their family
Hayley : Aunt I know but please all of you calm down tell them Azalea (looking at Azalea but found her with fist clenching and blood dripping)
Azalea what are you doing?

They a turned to Azalea at Hayley's voice and found her how Hayley saw her...

James : Bambi calm down
Azalea : (looking at Hayley) : Why you didn't say anything about this when we met?
Hayley : Because you were talking care of Tom and little teddy and you have to take revenge of how they put you through so much and this problem I can take care of myself or the mikaelsons will take care of me
Tom : But Hayley you and Azalea are my soul sibling and I want both of your happiness more than anything in this world after you guys showed me how to love
Hayley : And that's why I also want your happiness so I didn't say anything.

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