Strange Room

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The Mikaelson family, the mystic fall gang, blacks family, potters  family   , Gellert Grindelwald, Tom riddle,  Malfoy family, the marauders gang, the Slytherin gang, Hermione, ron , molly, ginny, Dumbledore , new Orleans gang all woke up in a strange room where the screen and seats were there .

As they woke up they were all shocked to find themselves in a strange room and with unknown peoples. As they got up they start to look around.

Klaus : Witch What did you Do now?
Bonnie : i didn't do anything

Hope came in front of them and introduced herself.

Hope : Hi Everyone! I'm Hope Andrea Bellatrix Mikaelson

Klaus : Lies Vampires Can't Reproduce
Hope : It can when my father and mother are werewolves
Elijah: wait who's your parents?
Hope : Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall And Blood Adopted by Azalea Potter Black
James : Your my granddaughter?
Hope : Hii grandpa

James began to cry as in Potter blood line only boys were born as it's the first two of them where born...

Klaus : wait who's Azalea?
Azalea : it's me and Hayley why didn't you say anything about your pregnancy when we met
Hayley : sorry i kinda forgot
Sirius : wait wait so your telling hope is potters as well as blacks granddaughter
Hope : yes grandpa

Sirius and James just fainted...

Lily : Sorry they are bit dramatic
Klaus :  kol i think you will fit well with them
Remus : NO NO NO Is kol mischievous?
Rebekah : oh you have no idea
Remus : then no I can't handle another pranksters I'll die from grey hairs
Kol : oh they look like fun
James : you too so you do pranks
Kol : yea
Sirius : awesome we are going to best buddies
Kol : I can't wait

Hope : so can we start or do you want some to introduce yourself
Azalea : We can introduce then we'll start
Hope : Ok who's gonna start

Damon : I'll Start, Damon Salvatore, Vampire
Stefan : Stefan Salvatore, Vampire
Caroline : Caroline Forbes , vampire
Bonnie : Bonnie Bennett, witch

James : Wait there's an another witch
Hope : grandpa you guys are different from them
Lily: How?
Hope : well grandma they are wiccan witch they get their power from their ancestors and nature
Lily : ok

Elena : Elena Gilbert, vampire  doppelganger
Tyler : Tyler Lockwood,
Matt : Matt Donovan, human
Jeremy : Jeremy Gilbert, hunter 

Elijah : Elijah Mikaelson, original vampire

Remus : what is original vampire?
Finn : it means we are the first vampire ever to walk on earth
James : cool 

Klaus : Niklaus Mikaelson, original hybrid

Bellatrix : Hybrid?
Klaus : Vampire and Werewolf
Rabastan : Wow cool mate

Kol : Kol Mikaelson, original vampire
Rebekah : Rebekah Mikaelson, original vampire
Finn : Finn Mikaelson, original vampire
Freya : Freya Mikaelson, immortal witch

Marcel : Marcel Gerard, vampire
Davina : Davina Claire, harvest witch
Camille : Camille O'Connor, human
Vincent : Vincent Griffin, warlock

Azalea : Azalea Cassiopeia Potter Black , Core witch pureblood
Draco : Draco Malfoy, Core Wizard pureblood
Blaise : Blaise Zabbini  core wizard pureblood
Pansy : Pansy Parkinson , core witch pureblood
James : James Potter  , Father of Azalea, core wizard pureblood
Sirius : Sirius Black, Blood adopted father of Azalea, core wizard pureblood
Remus : Remus Lupin, godfather of Azalea, core wizard and werewolf pureblood
Peter : Peter Pettigrew , uncle of Azalea, core wizard pureblood
Lucius : Lucius Malfoy, father of draco and uncle of Azalea, core wizard  pureblood
Narcissa : Narcissa Malfoy neé black, mother of draco , aunt of Azalea, core witch pureblood
Bellatrix : Bellatrix Lestrange neé black, aunt of Azalea and draco, core witch pureblood
Rodolphus : Rodolphus Lestrange, uncle of Azalea and draco, core wizard  pureblood
Rabastan : Rabastan Lestrange, godfather of Azalea and uncle of draco, core wizard pureblood
Regulus : Regulus Black, another father of Azalea and godfather of  draco, core wizard pureblood
Evan : Evan Rosier, uncle of Azalea and draco, core wizard  pureblood
Lily : Lily Potter neé grindlewald, mother of Azalea, core witch pureblood

Hope : so the introduction is over we can start.

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