Dealing With Insomnia

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so, what is insomnia?

insomnia is when you can't sleep, even though your body is aching too. last night i described it to my friend living in seattle that even though i wanted to faint, i couldn't even close my eyes.

sometimes it is brought on by a restless mind, or stress, but sometimes it's just because. no reason at all.

first let me say, if insomnia happens to you frequently, see your doctor, and talk about sleeping medication. insomnia is not healthy, and you need your sleep.

for those who have it less often, i find these things help to tire yourself out and clear your mind.

first, learn a little bit about sleep. do a google search about sleep and the sleep cycles. maybe the key to getting more sleep is going to bed a half hour earlier so that you can start your sleep cycle properly.

do things to relax you. if you have lavender spray, spray it on your pillow about 5 mins before going to bed, it will help put you to sleep.

other than poly, STAY AWAY from social networking sites, especially if you're feeling stressed or lonely. it will only make things worse and send your mind flying.

write. write everything out, fiction or non fiction. or draw, or even play an instrument if it won't wake anyone up.

listen to music. duh :D

read a good book, let your mind wander to other places. this is very important. i know most people would probably say watch tv or surf the web until you pass out, but staring at a screen when you're tired actually makes you more awake and strains your eyes badly.

talk to someone. maybe someone living in a different time zone, or someone who is a night owl and might be up too.

make sure to set at least one alarm to wake up the next day if you do fall asleep. it will put your mind at rest that tomorrow won't be ruined because you slept through it. MAKE SURE you get up. I cannot stress that enough.

if you think it may help, take a warm shower. not a bath. you don't want to relax too much and fall asleep in the tub.

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