Busted pt:2

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"You left me no choice" Zatz said in a frown, Nocturnix knew all of the would've ended badly for the start but even with all of her years of being a night guard all of her training can never lead up to this, she has faced many foes in her lifetime but her experience was nothing compared to two large stone golems and a god. "By the gods" King Teca smiled, he knew the prophecy was his destiny but there was a risky chance that his little night guard will have to reveal herself eventually to the world, but if the gods knew she existed then she'd also be in trouble along with Maya. "I can help!"

"Nocturnix, get down there and help them!" The queen commanded looking over to the night guard on the sidelines with worry, Nocturnix froze, this was a risky thing to do but she had to protect this kingdom and the royal family. She wasn't going to let this Moon boy get away with threats and serving Lord Mictlan, he needed to be gone and fast before any damage could be done, Nocturnix nodded and slid down the railing of the pyramid stairs as quickly as she could catching some of the rulers attention from the other kingdoms questioning what this 'assassin' was doing. "Boys, Noi, get the bat prince. I'll take the stone giants!" The king ordered as Nocturnix ran up to the group standing right behind the jaguar princes' "Got it!" The triplets said in unison, Nocturnix wasn't sure if leaving the king to fight alone was the best idea since one against two wasn't also the smartest idea. But four vs one was also an unfair match, she wanted to even the playing fields a bit for the meantime until backup was needed. The boys charged forward as thier weapons glowed a bright gold "Feel the might of Teca!" They shouted and the prince's directly charged into action, Nocturnix decided to let them handle this until her help was needed besides what can one bat prince do?

While the king was busy having the fun and action of his life it was pretty clear the jaguar boys weren't going to win this battle "I will not fight you" Zatz said holding up his shield as a defense. The boys seemed a little to over confident in this unfair battle, but Nocturnix had to be sure they could handle this before she stepped in. "You'll never take our sister or our night guard alive!" Lance said trying to get a hit on Zatz who was continuing his offence stratagey, but Lances words seemed to click in Zatz's head night guard? What does thier night guard have to do with this? The moon boy thought curiously since he didn't even know Teca had a night guard. But now that he thought about it glancing at the cloaked figure who was merely watching them fight, but the red eye, it just didn't make sense that a mortal had those eyes. "A bat is no match for three super macho jaguars!" Lance said punching the air in a motion before Daggurs hopped onto Lances shoulder throwing his glowing blades at Zatz who backflipped farther away from the attack "Go back to whatever cave you flew out of, vampiro. Know the kingdom of Teca does not fear the dark gods!" Daggurs said with a determined smile, as he continued his attack, Zatz flipped again and landed before catching one of Daggurs blades holding it by the very glowing blades itself, so far it all seemed to be running smoothly for the battle, Nocturnix was starting to think her help wasn't needed but she had to be cautious about these next decisions before anything went south. "Even really handsome ones"

Zatz threw the blade back at Daggurs who's confident face turned into a frown before the blade was blacked by Shields glowing defence "My jaguar brother's and I along with our Night guard have been trained our whole lives, to fight scum like you!" Shields shouted as his brothers stood in thier battle stances beside him,holding thier glowing weapons with large smiles of confidence. Shields threw his glowing Teca shield at the moon boy at a sharp speed before it got stopped by Zatz as the glowing shield dimmed into its normal gold "We are done here" Zatz said in a serious tone as his eye only stayed in the jaguar prince's as he clashed his shield against the one that was thrown creating sparks as he made the friction fast enough to be used as a boomerang, he threw it back at the three prince's all hitting them in the heads at an unpredictable speed as they all hit the ground, gods no, Nocturnix thought as she felt her heart drop into the very darkness and fiber of her being. She looked at Zatz who them looked over to her who was confused at her sudden presence "Kick his butt, Noi" Lance said before passing out again hitting his face on the ground. This was it, the moment she worried about, but she had to do something other than standing by to watch her kingdom fall. She carefully pulled out her dark sickles dragging the very tips of them to the ground making them spark against surface of the ground. "You think you can come into this kingdom, threaten innocent people, and try to take Maya to that heck hole? Oh heck no! I'm not going to let that slide" Nocturnix bellowed as she stepped forward.

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