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The plan was good. We would travel together to Arizona, and then we would split up. Alice knew someone who could keep me safe, she said I would get along with them. But I wasn't able to meet up with them. I was nabbed before that could happen. I should have stayed in La Push.


Everything hurt. It felt like my body was on fire.

"Artemis, everything's going to be okay," Carlisle said,

When did he get here? - When did I get here? I tried to sit up, but that made everything worse.

"Artemis!" Bella screamed, 

"I don't...want to die..." I said as Carlisle lowered me back to the ground.

"I won't let you die," Rosalie said softly, brushing my hair back from my face.

She leaned down and bit in the same place James had, of them. I tried to hold in the screams, but I couldn't. It all hurt too much. I couldn't change anything. Except...maybe this time, it might be worse.

. Nine Days.

I smiled a little at Charlie as he stood by the steps of the house. Esme came to pick me up, and I didn't want Bella or the other Cullens to miss any more school than we had. And the doctors and Charlie didn't think it was a good idea for me to be alone in a car with a man. They...

"Sue offered to come stay with us for a few weeks if you want her to. We can come up with a system," Charlie said,

"I'll be okay...I'm home. I just...I need my dad." I said, shrugging my shoulders as I tried not to cry.

He came over and hugged me tightly; I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed. It's going to be fine. James' is dead. I'm still alive. Edward kept his promise.

"Jacob and your other friends from L.A. Push want to come up for a visit. You can wait for as long as you want to...they don't know what happened. The only thing they know is you were in a bad accident. Billy, Harry, Sue, and Quil Sr. know Embry's mom too." Charlie said, still holding me tightly.

"I...I know. I know that...I want to see them." I said, but...

"You don't have to push yourself, dear," Esme said softly, brushing my hair with my hands.

"She's right. You can take as much time as you need. We're here for you." Charlie said,

"Thank you, Dad. Esme," I smiled softly at them, pulling away from Charlie.

"...Want to go shooting next weekend?" Charlie asked, nodding his head.

"I would like that. I'm tired, so I'm going to go rest in my room." I said, 

"Let me know if you need anything," Charlie said as I went up the steps.

I closed the door as soon as I got to my room. I ran a hand through my hair, don't cry. It's okay. Everything's going the same way so far. Well...I don't feel bloodlust. I went over to my easel and started setting up to paint something. Anything.


I wanted to rip it up. I wanted to burn it, but I couldn't. I painted it.

"Artemis. How are you?" Edward asked from outside my door,

"...I can't get rid of it," I said, pulling my legs to my chest as I sat on my bed, back against the headboard.

"Want me to?" he asked,

"Not when I'm can come in," I said, looking at the door.

He was quick. It was like he didn't even open the door. He stayed there and looked at the painting.

"You're good...why don't you paint me if you can't sleep," he said, looking at me.

I got out of bed. Edward had already moved my easel to face the bed and put a new one on. He got out new paints and was sitting at the end of my bed with a soft smile. I gave him a smile back and went to painting. By the time I got done, it was already morning.

"You're good, Artemis. You should sell some. Not of us, of course." Edward said before leaving.

I already do.

I've Become Artemis Swan - HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now