Hard Times

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A light shaking woke him from his slumber. His initial reaction would have been to mumble 'Go away Newt,' but he caught himself before the words could leave his lips.

He sighed, the reality hitting him like a punch to the gut. They had left Newt all by himself in the Crank Palace.

Minho swallowed the on rush of pain and turned his face stony as he opened his eyes to see his friend, Thomas looking at him concerned.

"What do you want, Thomas?" He asked, Thomas had been incredibly off and weird since they'd gotten here, well actually since he'd left to go to WICKED to insert that chip that allowed the Right Arm to blow up WICKED. Though it had worked against them though, with all the Immunes stuck in there. They'd narrowly escaped the explosions. Not all of them had.

Minho had never liked Teresa, not after she betrayed them, referring to her as she-devil and such. But she had as of now redeemed herself, by pushing Thomas out of the way. Minho wouldn't know what he would do if they were both gone. He winced at the thought that Newt was gone, or if he wasn't, he would be soon.

"Breakfast, was worried when you didn't show up." Thomas said, Minho nearly let out some smart remark about Thomas taking over Newt's job as 'Glade mother', but stopped, again remembering the sad truth. He sighed, before nodding, getting up and following Thomas to the Breakfast area.

He smiled at Frypan, who had been one of the few Gladers who'd survived through the end. He had obviously been put in charge of the cooking.

He noticed the blonde girl staring at them again. Sonya? He was pretty sure that was her name. She reminded him painfully of Newt, from her face and blond hair, to her British accent. He had wondered about her.

He shook it off for now, getting his breakfast. He sat with Thomas as the girl continued to stare, her dark skinned friend putting a hand on her shoulder to bring her back to whatever they were talking about.

Losing Newt, even if he didn't know if he was dead or not, had hardened Minho. He had done things since then that he never would have done with the blond in his presence. He remembered when he'd shot the toe off the man back after they'd been kidnapped. He didn't think he would've done that with his friend there. Newt helped him stay attached to humanity. Even if he knew the blond had seen many awful things, he wouldn't have wanted Newt to see him that way. Without him, he was hard and cold. Like he'd lost his playful kind side in favour for stone exterior. One thing WICKED had got right, Newt was the glue.



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