Rose weasley older twin to Ron Weasley Rose is the opposite to Ron
Rose doesn't think slytherin are all bad she is sweet and kind always gives people a chance but if you are constantly rude or making snide comments about her or her family you will see her bad side
That is why the first 2 years hermione and Rose never got along because hermione was always jealous that Rose was smarter than her Rose doesn't have a love interest but she does sleep around with boys and girls so she is bisexual
Rose is known as the smartest witch of her age, ron as the follower, harry as the troublemaker and hermione as the confident one Rose secretly hangout with slytherin and ever since she was younger around age of 5 Rose would make jewellery out of random thing around the house and sell them the weasley family also have a cafe so they can make more money molly weasley owns the cafe and the kids help when they turn around 7yrs old when she was 17 after the war Rose moved to mystic falls a few weeks before the salvatore comes her love interest is klaus mikaelson gets turned into a tribrid part witch, vampire and kitsune.
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