Electra gilbert is sweet and kind she is also really smart which makes her twin elena jealous of her that caused a rift between the bond they have
While jenna sommers was always there for them electra and Caroline. jenna practically raised the if someone hurt the girls it would not be good especially when jenna became a vampire
Then there is Caroline forbes. Caroline is sweet but don't take that as a weakness she can be rude and mean when she wants to be but over all Caroline is insecure.
Caroline forbes, electra gilbert and jenna sommers have known about the supernatural since caroline and electra were 10. Since then the 3 of them alway take vervain with them.
The 3 girls went to New York one day and became friends with the mikaelsons family they are like family to them.
Caroline is dating klaus while jenna is dating finn and eclipse is dating elijah the girl made sure no-one will know until they want people to know.
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