4 bestfriend caroline forbes bonnie bennett elena gilbert and sabrina gilbert the girls expect elena go every summer to camp halfblood
3 of the girls are not what they seem: Bonnie bennett daughter of hermes Children of Hermes are able to increase their speed and stealth in short bursts, making them faster than most and undetectable for a short time. However, they cannot have a weapon drawn so the speed is purely for evasion.
Caroline forbes daughter of triton Children of Triton have all the powers of the Poseidon Cabin (excluding the power to communicate with horses and causing earthquake). 2. Children of Triton also have the power to turn everything from the waist down into a merperson tail.
And finally sabrina is a child of pan Powers and abilities Children of Pan can talk to all animals can use their fathers "Panic Cry. able to manipulate plants and trees and also summon and make plants grow. can command animals and creatures of the wild are able to hide in trees and plants know alot about agricultur can use nature to heal themselves. have the innate ability to use woodland magic. can shapeshift into any animal. They can also control Water earth weather wood plant trees moonlight sunlight
What happens when Bonnie's grams dies the 3 girls leave mystic falls and don't come back will they take anyone with them or will it be just the 3 of them.
Love interest piper/leo caroline/jason sabrina/percy Annabeth/bonnie
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