Kaguya Wants to trade and the student council gets a new member

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A/N: I will do chapters and episodes from the anime and manga but don't expect one-on-one recreations, I will however put in manga panels and gifs for visuals now and then. This chapter is particularly clunky and bad but I wanted to get something out but I hope it's not to bad. I can promise the next one will be way better and I will also edit this one.

As always:
'' = thoughts


The student council room was deathly silent, Miyuki Shirogane sat at his desk stamping away at a never-ending stack of paperwork, on the couch sat Kaguya shinomiya was perched on the couch doing work for her classes.

A/n: there should be a manga panel below this note, please comment and let me know if there isn't

A/n: there should be a manga panel below this note, please comment and let me know if there isn't

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"Why yes I did, and I downloaded the line app," Miyuki said. His words hung in the air like a challenge,

'You can ask for my number any time Shinomiya,' this challenge, was completely ignored by the intended target.'WAIT WHY ISNT SHE ASKING DOESN'T SHE WANT TO TEXT ME, pull yourself together of course she does now you could just ask for her infor but'

Narrator: He knows this is no casual request, it's the first step on the path to love

Kaguya sipped her tea barely glancing up, 'he's obviously hoping I'll ask for his number but he, best not hold his breath'. Her eyes narrowed, 'why would I waste a perfect opportunity to watch him squirm while asking for my number'

Narrator: Conflict was inevitable, whoever asks for the other's info first, exposes their shameful thirst

The air in the student council room was charged, as if a bolt of lightning had struck the very center of the room. Miyukinb clutched his smartphone, his brow furrowed in concentration.

In the midst of their quiet mental warfare, the door to the student council room creaked open, revealing an androgynous figure, Evan had wandered into the council room to escape the hustle and bustle of the halls. He observed the scene before him with an unamused look, ' I feel a disturbance in the force,' taking in the tension between the two. He sauntered into the room and took a seat on the couch, right next to Kaguya who did not seem to notice him at all,

Shirogane tapped away on his phone before an audible ding could be heard, "oh neat, you changed your profile pic just now" Chika commented, as Shirogane leaned back in his seat, "so I did, thought I would use a picture from when I was a kid, but it's pretty embarrassing so I'll swap out in 3 minutes",

This baffled The silent observer, 'Who in their right mind would let that be the profile pic for even 3 seconds' Kaguya perked up at Shirogane's declaration shifting uncomfortably, and Evan glanced over at her. 'OOOOOH I see that's why, he wants her to give him her contact info, wait what is she doing' watching in shock as Kaguya took a bottle from what looked like her bra. 'WHO STORES STUFF THERE,'

Kaguya stood up and held the vial to her eyes as she started to cry, "You so cruel, so very cruel, I never realized how cruel you could be president"

Evan, still watching this unfold, 'Using the Bardem effect to get a phone number, they make something so mundane seem like a life-or-death situation. Just ask for the number it's not like you're confessing your undying love or something,'

Narrator: this guy must not realize he's in a rom-com

Shirogane stood up from his desk and approached with a guilt-ridden face, "I'm sorry i didn't mean to leave you out, you can see it so just please stop crying"

Evan's eyes bulged with disbelief, "IDOIT, DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR ACE!"

Shirogogane immediately recoiled "Hold on-",

Narrator: OH, too late with that brief glance at the image is now, permanently engraved upon her hippocampus.

Chika turned to Evan, "Wait, how long have you been here?", this drew the attention of Kaguya and Shirogane as well

"Since Shirogane changed his profile pic, I've just been watching, also Kaguya, your phone doesn't even support Line "



"Ya, it barely supports apps in general."Evan waved his hand dismissively

"What's a rich girl doing with a flip phone", shirogane jabbed

"I've had it since I was a child, we've been through a lot together"

He let out a quiet sigh and leaned back, He then glanced down at a plan for an event. 'What in God's name is this? Did a toddler design it, no, a toddler would have done better,' Evan let out a dry chuckle

Shirogane raised an eyebrow at Evan's reaction. "Something funny?" he asked.

Evan glanced up, holding a plan for an event that Shirogane had drawn himself. "Several things," he said with a smirk. "Namely this."

Shirogane's heart skipped a beat as Evan criticized his hard work. "I can't believe this is what passes for planning around here," Evan continued, delivering each word like a punch to the gut. "It's ugly, costly, and the decorations don't even fit the event itself."

Narrator: Poor Shirogane was already limp on the floor, his pride completely shattered. He had spent all night researching prices and designing the layout for the event.

"I-it can't be that bad," he barely managed to stuttered out.

"Bad? That would be the understatement of the century," the long-haired boy chuckled as shirogane fully slumped to the floor,

tapping the sheet of paper with his index finger. "I bet I could come up with something better in no time. Actually, let me just...", he whipped out a pen and his hand started to fly across the paper.

Minutes passed and He had managed to shave off a significant portion of the budget, all while enhancing the overall aesthetic of the event. His focus was unyielding, even as the weight of the student council's curious gazes bore down upon him. "And done"

"Wow," Chika, leaned in for a closer look. "This looks so much better!"

"And far more cost affective", Kaguya chimed in, "say, why don't you join the council, we could create a position for you, what do you think president",

Shirogane who was till reeling on the floor from the on slot from Evan managed a weak, "Sounds good to me"

Evan sunk back on the couch," I don't know that sounds like a lot of extra wor-"

"You get to the student council room whenever you want"


Narrator: Results for today's battle, its a draw

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