Shirogane wants a game

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A/N: Ok I know. I promised longer chapter but I realized that the longer one made no sense so ... sorry.
But I'm pretty happy with this chapter it's not from the show but it's a nice start to bonding between Evan and the council chess people might find this chapter funny or they might crucify me for my horrible narration of the games, also I unpublished the character info because it gave away way to much I'll publish it later after a few chapters have passed and it won't spoil anything but here's the image of Evan from that.

Adding something to the text indicators;'' = thoughtsBold = shock/emphasis

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Adding something to the text indicators;
'' = thoughts
Bold = shock/emphasis

I just wanted to add these to reduce the times I need to use caps

Anyhow enjoy the chap

Shirogane watches Evan as he walks across the courtyard, "Hmmmm, hey Shynomiya have you learned anything about Evan since he's arrived"

"Huh?," Kaguya stirs from the papers she was working on and cups her chin, "Not really but he doesn't seem like the expressive type", she then smirks deviously, "Why are you so curious?"

Narrator: oh, we're starting already

Shirogane straightens his back, " No reason in particular, I just feel we should get to know our new member."

Narrator: ya no Shirogane just wants to know how "close" Evan and Kaguya are, has been absolutely losing his mind over it. But asking directly would be social suicide. Like seriously, imagine going up to someone and being like "So... you seeing anyone lately?", it would basically be equivalent to an outright confession of love.

The door slid open and Evan's tall, lanky, androgynous figure appeared long hair trailing behind him, a box of food clutched in one hand. He blinked at them, his heavy-lidded eyes giving off an air of perpetual exhaustion.

"Hey," he said in his usual monotone, walking over to join them. They watched with slight horror as Evan practically inhaled his food, devouring it in record time.

'His jaw might as well have unhinged like a snake', shirogane thought to himself.

"Wow, didn't know you were hungry!" Chika exclaimed, her eyes wide. Evan shrugged nonchalantly.

"Nah, I just eat fast" His voice betraying no excitement or embarrassment, While inside he was, 'CRAAAAP they probably think I'm a freak now'

"So, Evan," Chika began, leaning forward slightly, "we're curious about your hobbies. What do you like to do?"

"Chess, art, and running, mostly," he replied after a moment's thought, "but I just do them casually."

"Chess you say?" Shirogane perked up.

Narrator: CHESS! game of strategy and cunning, where one miscalculated move can lead to doom. It's more than just a board game, it's like peering into the depths of someone's very soul. In the game of chess, each and every move is an insight into a person's psyche. a single game can paint a thousand words as you unravel your opponent's thoughts. It's almost like mind reading. Wait author, what's your source for all this?

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