Chika wants to go somewhere

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A/N: another chapter from the show this is one is more filler, not the best writing I've done but I'm currently working a chapter the I think is much better it will prob be ready by Monday May be earlier it's also based on an episode from the show.

As always:

'' = thoughts
Bold = shock /emphasis


"Ah chu", chika let out a small sneeze checking her weather app she met with 15 degrees celsius, "sure is cold out today, I hope summer will get here soon" she looked over at Evan who had taken off his uniform jacket and undone the top buttons of his shirt, "how can you possibly not be cold like that Evan,"

"I actually prefer the cold. The colder, the better." His tone was as monotone as ever.

Kaguya shivered, She remembered the time she had given Evan free rein over the air conditioning, resulting in freezing indoor temperatures.

A few days after Evan arrived:

Evan's popped his head through Kaguya's room door his long hair almost touching the floor, "Yo, Shinomiya mind if I turn down the air conditioning", he asked casually, "sure," she  didn't look  up from her work

Shortly after the temperature began to drop at first it wasn't that bad, but it kept going down. Kaguya began to shiver, teeth chattering, 'how low did he turn it', she called for her servants to bring in some blankets, then some hot tea then more blankets then space heaters with each request the servants could be seen in more and more layers. "Lady kaguya please, I beg you, can we please turn the temperature up", Hayasaka was bundled up in a mound of blankets poised next to a space heater kaguya was on her bed under a mountain made of quilts and blankets,

She blew on her steaming cup of tea, "If you can make it to the thermostat, please, be my guest", Hayasaka rolled her eyes, pulling her blankets tighter around her, "I just hope he doesn't freeze us all to death."

As , if on cue, Evan walked in, looking perfectly comfortable in pajama shorts with a white t-shirt "Hey guys, what's up?", Kaguya and Hayasaka exchanged a look, both of them bundled up like Eskimos. "Nothing much," Kaguya said through chattering teeth, "just trying to survive your freezing obsession."

Evan chuckled, "Oh sorry bout that."

Back to the present:

her teeth continued chattering as if she was still there. "Some of us don't have your tolerance for the cold."

"Well you'll be hoping for a while," Shirogane  says not looking up from his work, "we still have to get through spring,"

"Maybe you haven't heard but time has a way of sneaking up on you, act now or you'll graduate without having done the things you set out to do

The retort stung Miyuki and Kaguya, but it seemed to affect Evan even more. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, and Kaguya briefly noticed his pained expression. Before anyone could dwell on it, Chika had an epiphany, "we should take a student council vaca over the summer"

'A trip, then it's gotta be to the mountains, clear skies crisp air', Shirogane's mind wandered into fantasies of hiking through the mountains, enjoying the picturesque views, renting a cottage, star gazing, Shinomiya confessing, like I said just fantasies.

Narrator: that fantasy's comment is gonna age like milk.

"If we take a trip I suggest going to the mountain-", shirogane was unceremoniously cut off by Kaguya "If we take a trip I think it should be to the ocean"

"Th-th-he ocean w-why there", Evan stammered out, 'the ocean would mean swimsuits...I would have to wear a swimsuit', Evan's mind juiced up with anxiety, went at a breakneck pace, producing all manner of embarrassing situations that could come from his feminine appearance in a bathing suit.

Narrator: self-consciousness Despite his mostly calm demeanor, Evan is actually very shy, deep down he possesses a raging case of social anxiety that can make interacting with even his closest friends seem like performing an advanced calculus.

Evan's metal delusions

The following is a real-life observation of Evan's mind  responding to a phrase in conversation:

an Evan in a lab coat is yelling at other workers Evans  "COME ON I NEED THAT RESPONSE. IT'S ALREADY BEEN 2 SECONDS", Worker Evans ran erratically shouting unintelligible reasons why this was incredibly complicated.

The phrase: "Wow your hair looks really nice today"

end of mental delusion

Narrator: Despite nothing wrong with his physique, he cringes at the thought of baring even an inch of skin in front of others. For him, the security of his own company was the only place where revealing clothing was acceptable. The idea of him in a swimsuit sent shivers down his spine.

'No way I would die of embarrassment, wherever we go I have to be able to wear layers', he shook his head furiously.

While Evan was having a mental breakdown at the thought of the beach, Kaguya was thinking of how Shirogane would be hypnotized by her bathing suit, the perfect plan for a confession. She glanced over at Evan, " something wrong?"

'Just tell them you don't feel comfortable going to the beach', he opened his mouth and, "nope nothing at all, I don't really mind where we go",  'AHHHHHHHHH'

Narrator: he's to much of a coward to say no

'The ocean that the last place I wanna go, I can't even swim', shirogane panicked 'IT HAS TO. BE THE MOUNTAINS'.
He engaged in a fierce battle with Kaguya listing of any and all problems that could stem from the beach Kaguya continued to rattle off a solution to every issue Shirogane could conjure,

Evan simply watched them bicker, 'Oh, come on Shirogane you can do better than that, think of something she can just buy, anything less than the GDP of an entire country is cheap'

"think about it mountain weather is way too unpredictable, not to mention the bugs" Kaguya adds

Evan shivered 'Disgusting bug-infested mountain is better then embarrassing myself at the beach-', his thoughts were interrupted by a resigned sigh of defeat from shirogane "Guess I should buy a bathing suit",

Evan's long hair whips around and his head snaps to face shirogane, 'OH COME ON A FEW BUGS AND YOU CAVE'

Narrator: Aaaand your excuse is?

"Oh ya I should probably buy one too I had a bit of a growth spurt over the summer",

Kaguya turned to look at Chika as her eye drifted toward the punkette's assets, of which she had two

Narrator: Unlike Evan, Kaguya typically has great self-confidence in her body, but when forced to compare herself to girls of a certain caliber she couldn't help but feel like she was working with B.B guns, chika on the other hand, is tank class living weapon the difference in their power is staggering.

"Let's go to the mountains", Kaguya proceeded to rattle off every reason shirogane had given against the ocean

Relief swept over the exchange student like a warm embrace.'CHIKA YOUR MY HERO, YOU AND YOUR BIG ****Narrator: the following phrase has been removed due to the author not wanting to be put on a list*****',

Shirogane was not having it though, " NO you've convinced me we should go to the oceans"


The sides now swapped, they let Chika choose the final destination in an attempt to regain some control over the situation. After much deliberation, Chika decided on the mountains – but it was "Mount. Osore" a macabre mountain, filled with unsettling legends and ghost stories.

"Any other options?" Miyuki asked nervously, turning to Evan.

His longhair parted as his mouth curled into a smile, 'did he just say any', With a glint in his eye, "Rikubetsu"

Narrator: Rikubetsu a town located Tokachi, located in Eastern Hokkaido, it is the coldest region of Japan.

"Tokachi it is, atleast summer is a ways off" Miyuki sighed, resigned.

"Agreed," Kaguya muttered.

Narrator: results for today's battle, Fujiwara's weird.

The Exchange Student (Kaguya sama love is war x oc)Where stories live. Discover now