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A/N: alright long chapter take to long so I'm going back to singles with a double every now and then. This chapter is based off the "Kaguya wants him to sent it" episode in the anime, but as always it's been changed a bit... ok a lot I got slightly carried away but I think it turned out good not my proudest chapter but not bad.

Another thing I would really like to know how people feel about Lena x Hayasaka, yay or neigh or maybe give me so ideas on how you would like to see it develop I have a general plan but I'm open to suggestions (as long as the characters are consistent)

Last thing, how do You feel about the narrator am I doing him justice or at least decent?, is he funny? Please critique I really curious.

As always:
Bold = shock/emphasis

Now, go get the food, find the bed, tell stress to go screw it's self, and enjoy the read

Lena tapped her pencil against her notebook, staring blankly at the math problems on the page. She was sprawled out on the living room floor, textbooks and papers strewn around her. Evan sat cross-legged nearby, scribbling away in his own notebook. The only sounds were the ticking of a clock on the wall and the scratching of pencil on paper.

Lena sighed loudly. "Ugh, I'm so bored of this. Let's take a break," she said, rolling onto her back.

Evan didn't look up from his work. "We should finish first. The faster we finish the more break we get".

Lena pouted. "But we've been at this for hours already!"

" It's only been one hour and seventeen minutes," Evan replied .

Lena groaned. "You say that like and hour isn't a long time" She sat back up and tried to refocus on the page of formulas and equations.

After a few more minutes of silent working Lena had started snacking, Evan spoke up unexpectedly. "So when are you going to confess your feelings to Hayasaka?" he asked nonchalantly, eyes still on his notebook.


'Where did that come from so suddenly?!' she thought in a panic. She stammered, trying to form a response. Lena chokes on her food, " I can't just do that, I need to at least know if she likes girls first."

Evan glanced up. " so just ask her I'm pretty sure you have a decent chance of success if you just confess your feelings directly."

"oh sure that will go perfectly, just walk up to her and ask "yo you into chicks" "

Narrator: very poor choice of words

"why not," Evan superseded a sadistic grin. Before Lena could react, he closed his textbook and stood up. "In fact, let's go do that right now."

"Wait, what?!" Lena sprang to her feet in alarm as Evan calmly started walking towards kaguya'sroom. "Evan, wait!"

She hurried after him, her heart pounding against her ribs once .

"Evan, please!" she begged as she caught up to him in the hallway. "You can't just ambush Hayasaka like this!"

But Evan kept walking with purpose, "you wanted a break, didn't you?" Lena scrambled to get in front of him, holding her arms out to block his path. Her face was flushed and she could feel panic bubbling up in her chest. He slid side ways through the the small gap between her hand and the wall as she watched in horror as she started to pursue again, "I'm not ready for this!" she squeaked desperately. "Please, just give me more time!"

Narrator: he knows exactly what he's doing Evan may be not be the best at reading people but that doesn't mean he's completely socially inept, only mostly

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