Jason's Bio

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Name: Jason Riley
Age: 17

Background: Jason wasn't born naturally

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Background: Jason wasn't born naturally. He was a test tube baby made by a group of fanatical scientists. He wasn't the only one. He was apart of a group of genetically enhanced children. From a very early age, he was show to have, not one, but two semblances, and an absurd amount of aura. This made him a prime test subject for the scientists. One of the first experiments the did to him, was fuse his DNA with some Grimm DNA that did not disappear after death. It was a major success, and granted him super speed, strength, agility, and enhanced all his senses. The scientists then tried to do the same experiment to the other children, but this ended with a huge majority of them dying a very painful death. These attempts continued until Jason was the only child remaining. When he was 10 years old, the scientists gave him a weapon that they had created. They called it the Murasama.

 They called it the Murasama

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(A/N: Just the blade. He makes the sheath himself later.)

A bright red katana that weakens the molecular bonds of whatever it slices. Allowing it to virtually cut through anything. Even a person's aura. When the scientists gave him the blade, he looked up at them with his dull eyes, and in the next few moments, he had killed all of them. Once he was done with them, he broke out of the facility, and wondered the surrounding forests covered in dry blood. That was until he was found by a man and a woman who had silver and blonde hair respectively.

As stated before, Jason has two semblances. One allows his perception of time to be slowed from anywhere from 50 to 90%. He can push this to 100%, but it causes him to be blinded for a week.

His second one allows him to make swords using his aura. He can summon multiple swords and shoot them at his targets, or he can use them manually as another weapon for combat.

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