Ch.14: Riley Vs. Colbalt

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3rd Person POV

The next day arrived, and all the students who progressed to the singles matches were all lined up on the stage. The crowd cheered for the students, and Jason was standing next to Pyrrha, who had a contemplating look on her face. Just then, Port's voice came over to announce the fight.

Port: Ladies and Gentlemen, now is the moment you've all been waiting for, The singles matchups!

The crowd cheered as Oobleck continued the explanation.

Oobleck: Two combatants will be picked at random to determine the matches. And the winner of each match, will continue on until one student remains.

Port: Now, let's see who our first combatants will be.

The random generator rolls until it chooses two students. The students chosen for the first match were....

Port: And we have our first matchup. Jason Riley of Beacon vs. Alex Colbalt of Atlas.

Jason looked to see his opponent, and saw a kid with blue hair and green eyes.

Jason looked to see his opponent, and saw a kid with blue hair and green eyes

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(A/N: Alex Colbalt will be another OC I add to this story. And he will be a rival for Jason.)

He then looked at Jason and the two made eye contact.

Port: An interesting matchup, to say the least. Two solos going head to head in a fierce battle!

Jason: (He's a solo? He must be pretty skilled then.)

Oobleck: We ask that all the remaining combatants please exit the stage. We shall begin the first matchup immediately!

As all the students left the stage, Yang ran up to Jason and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Yang: Good luck, babe.

Jason: *smiles* Thanks.

She then left and joined the rest of team RWBY and JNPR in the stands.

Jason and Alex stood across from one another. Jason drew Murasama from its sheath, and Alex pulled out what looked like a blue repeater rifle, and rested it on his shoulder.

 Jason drew Murasama from its sheath, and Alex pulled out what looked like a blue repeater rifle, and rested it on his shoulder

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