Ch.6: A Day to Remember (Volume 2 Start)

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Jason POV

A couple days have passed since the fight at the docks, and right now, I'm sitting with teams RWBY and JNPR in the cafeteria. Ever since then, it seems that the relationship between team RWBY has been better than ever.

I wasn't really hungry, so I was just doodling a samurai in a notebook that I had. That was until Yang bumped into me.

Yang: Whatcha doing?

Jason: Just doodling.

Yang: Whatcha doodling.

Jason: This.

I then show her the drawing.

I then show her the drawing

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(A/N: Obviously, not mine. I can't draw for shit.)

Yang: Oh wow! That's really good! Where'd you learn to draw like that?

Jason: It's just one of my hobbies.

Yang then catches a grape in her mouth, shot by Nora. Nora continues to shoot grapes at Yang, and she continues to catch them in her mouth. Ruby then walks up to the table, and plops down a huge book titled "Best Day Ever Activities".

Ruby: Ahem. Sisters, friends, Weiss.

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: Four score and 7 minutes ago, I had a dream.

Jason: This should be interesting.

Ruby: A dream that one day, the four of us would come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever!

Weiss: Did you steal my binder?

Ruby: I am not a crook.

Blake: What're you talking about?

Ruby: I'm talking about kicking off the next semester with a bang!

Yang: I always start my semesters off with a "Yang".

Jason: Zing!

Yang: Jason gets it! Anyone else? Ehh? Guys? Am I right?

Yang then gets hit with a tomato, and Nora could be heard booing her and giving a thumbs down.

Ruby: Look guys, it's been a good two weeks, and between more exchange students arriving, and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great. But, classes start back up tomorrow. Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events today.

Weiss: I don't know if I should be proud or scared of what you have in store.

Jason: Well, you guys have fun with that. I'm gonna-

My instincts suddenly flared up, and I stuck my arm out to catch a pie that had been thrown at me. I look to see Nora with a guilty smile on her face, while pointing at Ren.

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