Ch.16: Awakening (Volume 3 End)

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Jason POV

I was about to kill Cinder, but I was stopped by a new guy. His appearance wasn't what surprised me, it's the fact that he has Murasama. And he knows how to use it, too. Even though I blocked his strike, I could tell that he put some power behind that. He's strong. Really strong.

Cinder: Sam?! What the hell are you doing here?!

Sam: *smirks* Hmph, jeez, this is the thanks I get for saving your sorry ass?

Cinder: Answer the question!

Sam: Relax, Cindy. The boss lady sent me, as a bit of insurance.

Cinder: What're you talking about?!

Sam: Let's just say she didn't have full confidence that you could pull this off, and judging by your appearance, she was right.

Cinder: Tch, this is just a minor set back. Nothing more.

Sam: Hey, you don't need to convince me. You seem to convince the boss lady that you didn't screw up. Even though you did.

Sam chuckled at Cinder's failure.

Sam: Anyways, you should take your remaining lackey and run along now. I've got some business with wonder boy here.

Wonder boy? Whatever, I'm not letting that bitch get away. I activated my semblance to rush past him, but to my shock, he was able to intercept me.

Sam: *smirks* Come on now. You shouldn't ignore your new dance partner.

He pushed me back, and stood in front of me with Murasama rested on his shoulder.

Sam: I should thank you for holding on to this for me for so many years, but now it's time for it to return to its rightful owner. Also, I like what you did to the sheath. Very creative.

A bullhead came and picked up Cinder. As it flew off, Sam got into a stance that was eerily similar to mine, but I had no choice but to fight this guy.

 As it flew off, Sam got into a stance that was eerily similar to mine, but I had no choice but to fight this guy

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Sam: Let's go.

I got into a stance of my own with Mirage Edge, and after a few moments passed, I blitzed him. Our fight began with me trying to strike him, but he either deflected or dodged all of my attacks.

I then went for an upwards slash, only for him to deflect the blade and bash me in the back of my head with the hilt, followed by a slash going down my back.

Jason: *grunts*

I turned to see him still ready to fight. I rushed him again, and we traded blows for a while, until he went for a quick slash to my chest, but i blocked it with my sword, and managed to backhand him in the face. Obviously, it did no damage due to his aura shielding him, but he still seemed impressed that I managed to touch him at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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