Ch.3: Burden and a Bully

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Jason POV

It's the day after Initiation, and I was named a solo in Beacon Academy. I woke up and got ready to begin my official first day as a student. Wolf and I got everything sorted in my one bedroom dorm, and made our way to my first class with Professor Port.

I got to the class with about 30 minutes to spare. I saw other teams there, but teams RWBY and JNPR were still MIA.

Jason: (Well, class starts in 30 minutes. They still got time.)

25 minutes pass, and still no sign of them.

Jason: (Yep. They're gonna be late.)

At 8:59, both teams crashed through the door, all out of breath. They all looked up at me and I gave them a two finger salute. They all got up and made their way to their seats. Yang sat next to me.

Jason: *smirks* Right on time.

Yang: Whatever. You could've given us a heads up. Aren't you supposed to assist other teams?

Jason: Not my fault you guys are bad at time management.

Yang then lightly punches my right arm. Port has to have the easiest, and most boring class ever. All you have to do is listen to him tell stories about his "great exploits". While I will admit, some of his stories are actually interesting, others might not have the same opinion. Blake was just reading her book, both Yang and Ruby were goofing off, and Weiss was actually taking notes.

Looking closer at Weiss, I could see that she was visibly getting more and more mad. Port then asked who among us has all the traits of a true huntsman, and Weiss immediately shot her hand up.

Weiss: I do, sir!

Port: Well then, let's find out. Step forward, and face your opponent!

Weiss went to retrieve her gear, and when she got back, Port unleashed a boarbatusk for her to fight. At first, she struggled a bit, and when Ruby tried to give her some sound advice, she snapped at her. Telling her to not tell her what to do. Eventually, Weiss was able to kill the boarbatusk by stabbing its soft belly. After the match, Weiss just stormed off and Ruby went after her. Something told me that they wouldn't have a friendly chat. So I decided to follow them.

When I caught up to them, I could hear Weiss fussing at Ruby.

Weiss: That's just it, you've done nothing to earn your position! Back in the forest, you acted like a child, and you only continue to do so!

Ruby: Weiss, where is this coming from?! I was just trying to help you in class! We're supposed to be a team, remember?!

Weiss: Not a team led by you!

Ruby looked crushed when she heard that.

Weiss: I've studied, and trained! And quite frankly, I deserve better! Ozpin made a mistake!

Weiss then walked off, and Ozpin appeared behind her.

Jason: (Ozpin will talk to Ruby. I'll handle Weiss.)

I went in the direction Weiss was going. I then saw her sitting on a bench outside. So I went up to her.

Jason: Mind if I sit for a while?

Weiss: Do whatever you want. I don't care.

I sat next to her, and we both sat in silence for a while. I decided to break the silence.

Jason: You seem upset. Not happy with Ruby being assigned team leader?

Weiss: And why should I be?! She's done nothing to earn her position! Meanwhile, I'm over here working my but off!

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