Who is he?

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The shop was quiet at night. All of the players were busy doing their own things, and it was near closing time.
     Galf stood at his usual register spot, his arms crossed on the counter. He was waiting for Jard, who was supposed to be here by now. 

"I swear, if he's knocked out cold again.. " 

Galf muttered, then decided to go check for himself.

Just before Galf could go outside, Jard stepped out from behind the wall, with a (nervous) smile on his face. He was definitely hiding something, and he was real bad about trying to hide that, too.

"Ahah...Hey Galf! I'm baack!" 

Galf inspected Jard carefully, trying to figure out if what he was trying to hide was visible.

"Hey Jard..Welcome back. Say, were you standing behind that wall this entire time?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.
"Uh..Maybe?..Anyway, wanna see the new artifact? It's..actually kinda cool. And creepy. Cool and creepy.." Jard said, as he glanced behind him, seemingly trying to check on something--or someone.
"Okay--Why are you being weird? Did you get injured that badly?"
"What?" Jard replied, shaking his head and fixing his attention back on Galf. "No-..it's just been a long day..."
"Well, that's understandable, but I'm pretty sure it's been just like any other typical day--for you and me. Or am I wrong?" Galf questioned, awfully concerned.
"..Yeah, actually. You're far off."

A moment of silence passes between them, then Jard takes off his backpack with the artifact in it, handing it to Galf so he could see what was in there later.

"..Screw it." Jard said, as he walked outside and disappeared behind the wall.
(What's with the disappearing behind walls?) Galf pondered as he stood there, still holding the backpack.

Some footsteps and some murmuring could be heard in the distance, and Galf saw the shadow of Jard and someone else.  The pattern continued on, with the sound of gravel crunching, a stop, some murmuring, and the continuation of the footsteps. What were those two even doing?

[ POV switch ]

Jard started walking again, then looked behind him. The person just stood there, with a slightly irritated expression--despite having a smile on their face.

"Ugh, come on. It's not even that bad! What do you think he's gonna do, send you back?"

The other person shook their head, and crossed their arms. They weren't moving.

"Fine then. I guess we're playing it this way." Jard sneered, as he turned around fully and took a step towards the person.

The person took a step back, and Jard took a step forward. They immediately spun around on their heel as they tried to run the other way, but Jard grabbed the end of their shirt, causing both of them to fall with a loud thud.

"Ow! Jesus Christ.." Jard muttered, as he quickly jumped to his feet before the other person could, and grabbed their ankles. The other person started kicking their feet in an attempt to get him off, but it was to no avail. They were being dragged into the shop.

"Sorry about this bud, but you left me no choice.." Jard said apologetically, hoping they still wouldn't be mad at him later.
The person merely grumbled angrily, then sighed in defeat.

[ Normal POV ]

Galf stood there, tapping his foot. Jard then came into sight, dragging the person by their ankles. Galf raised his eyebrow in interest. Did Jard bring an unexpected guest?
Jard finally finished dragging the person over to Galf, then let their ankles hit the floor as he stared at their unresponsive body. He groaned in annoyance, then knelt down and whispered something in their ear.

The person immediately got off the floor, as they frantically brushed the dirt off their clothes. Galf then made eye contact with them, and they both stared at each other for a while. Jard just stood in front of the two awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Galf inspected the person, who had an eerie smile on their face. They looked happy, but their eyes stared deep in the depths of your soul. Or at least, that what Galf felt.

The person's appearance was quite simple. They wore black pants and shoes, with a blue sleeveless turtleneck and a peculiar blue visor on their head, with the words "BOBO" across the upper band of it.

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