6. The two famous Jades

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Meng Yao touched 20. He was tall, around 186cns with a strong physic. His blue eyes became more darker and his face shap became more inclined. He was literally a walking hulk. The dream of every girl.

Yanli also became more pretty and mature. Her attitude was soft yet fierce. She also touched around 20, 165 cms with her pretty dark eyes and a hourglass figure.

Jiang Cheng touched 15, his body became more mature with a height of 185 cms. He was a type if muscles too but still had a lean body with his pretty dark brown eyes like honey. He developed a bold and strong attitude. His features became more sharp making him handsome. He became so overprotective of Yanli and especially Wei Ying that sometimes he is even scared of himself.

Wei Ying,also touched 15, his black soft hair reached until his waist making him look like a pretty maiden. His dark black eyes with a hint of silver, and his golden fair skin, his plump pink lips like rose petal and his cute mole under his lips was enough for a person to bow down. He was around 183cms with a curvy body,long legs and a thin waist. His face features became more sharp, but the baby fat on his cheek make him look unreal.

A beauty indeed.

It was time of spring, trees were developing their new leaves. The fresh wind was blowing causing shiver down to the spine.

Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian were sitting in the back garden. There were no words exchanged, a comfortable silence was spread.

Both were busy in their own works.

Suddenly Jiang Fengmian spoke making Yu Ziyuan out of her trance who was thinking something deeply.

"I had received the invitation letter from Lan Clan yesterday for further lectures. It's time for children to go to Gusu." Fengmian said to his wife while sipping his tea.

"Will Wei Wuxian also go?" Yu Ziyuan asked,worriedly.

"Yes,my lady. Why are you looking so worried?" Fengmian asked observing Yu's reaction.

"Nothing,I am feeling a little tired,I will be back to chamber. Good day." Madam Yu said and went out.

Upon reaching her chamber, she dropped herself on her bed and closed her eyes.

She sighed.

Wei Ying is way too attractive. She fears it will bring him and Jiang Clan into trouble.

Cause trouble always seems to follow Wei Wuxian.


Next day,Meng Yao, Jiang Cheng, Yanli and Wei Ying set out for Gusu.

Meng Yao was wearing a cream colored robe with black boots. Yanli was wearing a light baby pink colored robe with black outlines and white boots.

Jiang Cheng was wearing a purple colored robes with dark blue outlines and black boots. Wei Ying was wearing a white colored robes with white outlinings and black boots with a pony tail tied with white ribbon.

It was total of two days journey.

Upon reaching in Gusu, first thing Wei Ying did was to eat and buy the famous wine Emperor's smile.

They were sitting around a table in a large inn. Jiang Cheng was scolding Wei Ying who was pouting and eating his food silently while keeping his head on the table. Yanli was trying her best not to laugh and Meng Yao was staring at Wei Ying with a smile more like his lips, that were looking so tempting and kissable.

"And, why do you need–" Jiang Cheng got cut off by Yanli, who couldn't keep her smile and laughed out loud.

"Jie,You too." Jiang Cheng hid a grin.

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