15. On a date

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"Greetings Mother." Meng Yao bowed in front of Yu who rolled his eyes before greeting back. That man approached him when she was heading to Qiren's chamber.

"So,how are you?" According to Wei Ying's plan, she shouldn't let him know about their past life. No matter what!

"I'm fine,what about you mother?" He sickeningly smiled at her making her cringe.

"Good,Let's meet later. I have to go now."

Meng Yao nodded and gave her the side to go. She huffed silently and moved foreword hiding the urge to chock him.

Meng Yao stood silently watching her disappearing into Elder Lan's chamber. Standing there for a few more minutes, staring at the chamber blankly. He suddenly smirked and shooked his head.

He made his way towards the place he yearned to go. Sliping inside, he knocked on Jiang Cheng's chamber. After a few seconds, Yanli came and opened the door.

"Ohh,Brother Meng. Please come inside." She sided and gave him the side. He smiled at her and moved inside. His eyes darken at the sight infront of him. Jiang Cheng was cleaning his sword, whereas Wei Ying was brushing his silky long hairs in a wrapped red robe that looked glistening to his milky curvy body.

Realizing a dark presence around him,Jiang Cheng looked up and his eyes furred in anger seeing Meng Yao checking out Wei Ying. He quickly stood up in front of Meng Yao blocking his way.

Meng Yao looked at Jiang Cheng with a annoyed smile.

"Brother Meng, What are you doing here?"

Wei Ying raised his eyebrows and looked back,finding Jiang Cheng glaring at Meng Yao with Yanli standing his side. Understanding his antics,he quickly covered himself with his upper white robe and hiding his all body parts.

"Can't I come,Brother Jiang?"

"I wasn't saying that, I was asking why you came?" Yanli tugged his arm robe,telling him to be a little polite.

But Jiang Cheng never listens.

Meng Yao suddenly smiled,"I was hoping to take mother for a ride in Caiyi town,afterall she has came after very long."

"Fine,I will talk to mother about this. You can go now."

Yao gritted his teeth but smiled neverthelessly.

"Good day."

Jiang Cheng just nodded.

Yao looked behind Jiang and smiled,"Good day,Wei Ying."

Wei Ying also whispered a small Good day. Yao bowed and went outside, with Yanli closing the doors.

He saw Nie huisang going inside the chamber and the loud laughters roared making him clench his Fist.

Why can't they behave like this with me? Am I not worth of it?


Lan Zhan came outside Wei Ying chamber hesitantly tapping his foot on the ground debating whether he should knock or not. He sighed and was about to go back but stopped when Wei Ying opened the door by himself and stared back at Lan Zhan in shock.

"Ah,second Master Lan, what can I do for you?" Wei Ying smiled.

"I-I w-was asking i-if you c-can come w-with me?"

Wei Ying looked shock for a moment.

" Ok,where?"

Suddenly Lan Zhan smiled softly,"For a while."

And that's how Wei Ying found himself going with Lan Zhan to the town for a meal.

"Wei Ying, I mean Young master Wei,what would you like to eat?"

" Hey,please call me Wei Ying and I will call you Lan Zhan."

Lan Zhan nodded,"Wei Ying."

Wei Ying cutely smiled,"Lan Zhan." He said and went back to ordering some snacks.

Lan Zhan looked down at his sword and muttered,"Wei Ying mine!"

Only yours.

Lan Zhan jerked his head up when he heard a familiar Whisper but frowned when he saw Wei Ying talking with a kid.

He shrugged, maybe his hallucination.


The three carts were moving towards Gusu, with people wearing long red robes. The sepoys were keeping up with the small to small movements that can hurt their Young master.

"How much time it will take to reach?" Wen Chao growled.

"A few hours more." Wen Qing calmly said.

Wen Chao smirked and went back kissing the slut in his hands,making Wen Qing puffed silently.

"This idiot." She softly muttered but smiled when her younger brother looked at her. Her only reason for the existence on this earth.

" Jie." Wen Ning whispered.

"Yes!" She said softly.

"I am feeling scared."

She raised her eyebrows at the sudden exclaimaition,"Why? Something happened?"

Wen Ning shooked his head and looked back at Wen Chao who was having fun,"Maybe this idiot won't live for long."

She softly chuckled,"Stop saying nonsense."

But Wen Ning didn't replied to her.Wen Qing walked in front when someone called her.

"Maybe not." He muttered. His body feeling a little cold today,seems like he is gonna meet someone whom he knows,well.


So, really sorry for the late update. My idiot brain decided to cook about a week ago and burnt my right hand, and yeah it's painful. And  typing with left hand seems hard more than solving maths.

So please bear with me, and sorry for the irregular updates. Will try to come up really soon.

Hope you stay safe and rich!
Happy Reading!

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