12. Old master... Madam Yu coming?

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Wei Ying looked at Yang Yang in shock when he grinned after detaching his lips from him.

"Y-You!?" Wei Ying stuttered out,unable to form words.

"I won't say sorry, but yeah sorry for shocking you." Yang Yang said.

"Fuck you." Wei Ying said,before he grabbed Yang Yang's robe and again pulled into him connecting their lips into fierce one.

Yang Yang eyes widen for a moment, but he soon smiled and gently put his hand on Wei Ying's waist and pulled him closer.

Wei Ying didn't knew what had gotten into him,but he just wanted to kiss the other,so he did breaking all the boundaries.

The kiss was so passionate that Wei Ying found himself melting down. The soft yet firm hold of Yang Yang on his waist like he could break any moment. He felt special, so special.

After a heated kiss of 5 minutes, Wei Ying broke off the kiss and looked at Yang Yang who was staring at him intensely. His cheeks already coated with red,pink swollen lips,his updown movement of chest, his cute pink nose,his flustered state was enchanting Yang Yang.

God,he is so enchanting.

"My God, I am already addicted to your lips." Yang Yang said and poke his nose with Wei Ying who giggled softly.

I am so in love.


Yang Yang raised his eyebrows at the nickname.

"Petal,Call me Yang Yang only or honey if you prefer." Yang Yang said,teasingly.

Wei Ying blushed furiously at the new nickname Petal, it sounded so soft.

"S-Shut up."

"Oh Petal,-"

Yang Yang got cut off by a loud piercing scream.


"Oh my, Jiang Cheng is calling me. Bye!" Wei Ying rushed to his angry brother.

"His so called annoying brother will end up as a villain in my love life." Yang Yang whispered annoyingly.

But his mind goes blank when a sudden pain passes through his arm.

He shrugged off his robes only to find two red lines that were looking like a bruise were forming.

He suddenly smiled,"If that's what I will get by loving him,than I am more willing to love him."

He softly muttered and went from there.

Only if they noticed a man in white robes was looking at both of them while clenching his Fist.


Dilraba was meditating, her eyes closed.

Suddenly she opened her eyes and hurriedly look there and there.

"Devil!" Dilraba said, finding Yang Yang who was entering in his chamber.

"What happened, lady?" Yang Yang asked,pouring a cup of tea.

Dilraba gulped before answering,"O-Old master has ordered you to meet him."

Suddenly the cup fell from Yang Yang's hand. He looked at her,his eyes dead and cold.

"Seems like it's time for some action."

"Mother is coming tomorrow." Yanli dropped the bomb on Wei Ying who spatted water on Jiang Cheng's face.

They both turned their head towards her. Madam Yu is coming. Why?


"Don't know, Master Lan called me to inform this."

"Hell,this time I didn't do anything, I swear!" Wei Ying said.

"Yeah,we saw earlier in class." Jiang Cheng snapped.

One minute of silence.

"One question, why did you spat water on my face?" Jiang Cheng asked angrily, Wei Ying shaked his head nervously.

"O-Oh, I didn't wanted to dirt the floor,so your face was the only option." Wei Ying said nervously.

Jiang Cheng scowled at him but soon sighed and went outside to clean his face.

Yanli smiled watching them.

"He cares for you." Yanli blurted out,making Wei Ying look at her in surprised.

"Me too." 

Lan Zhan was boiling in anger, he doesn't know why he is this much angry. But he is angry.

He threw a white vase on the floor.

"Why?! Wei Ying!"

He panted heavily in anger.

"He is mine. I can't let go of him,again." Lan Zhan said,dashing out of his chamber.

He saw how passionately they were kissing,not ready to let go of each other. How much Lan Zhan wanted to be in the place of That Yang Yang!

Wei Ying was his and his only.

Wei Ying was sitting around a small lake behind the back hill of Gusu. He was trying to remember the memories that were suddenly out of his head. He remembered everything and everyone, even Qiren.

Suddenly he heard some disturbing sounds from behind the bushes,he slowly stood up and started walking there with caution.

He saw Meng Yao.

He raided his eyebrows but carefully and silently followed him. Meng Yao was looking around carefully, until he whispered something and a man in black came out.

Wei Ying widen his eyes the moment he recognized the man in black. That same pale skin,his cold eyes,and his cunning Smirk that never leave his face.

Xue Yang.

He carefully leaned forwards to hear what they were talking, but seems like fate was not in his luck.

But his breath hitched the moment Xue Yang handed something to Meng Yao making him smile widely and...creeply.

A piece of Yin iron.

Suddenly Wei Ying found his breath uncomfortable, his head started hurting,he clenched his Fist tightly to grasp the unbearable pain that was suddenly boring into his chest.

Yin iron's  dark energy was attracting him .

He closed his eyes and quickly dozed off from there before he lose his control.

Yang Yang was finding Wei Ying the moment his head started hurting, meaning his mate is in danger.

He quickly hurried when he saw Wei Ying clutching his head.

"Are you okay,Petal?"

"Yeah,a little headache."

After a few minutes, when Wei Ying composed himself, he looked at Yang Yang in confusion.....

"How did you get to know I was here?"

And Yang Yang was doomed!


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