9. Punishment for sinners

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Jiang Cheng was glaring at Wei Ying,who was writing the chapter of conducts for the 15th time now. Yang Yang was staring at Wei Ying,lovingly while the paint brush in his hands were doodling on the paper.

The thing that happened was that after running around whole cloud Recess, Lan qiren catched them and gave the punishment to Jiang Cheng, Wei Ying and Yang Yang to write Chapter of conduct fir a thousand times.

"A-Cheng, will you stop glaring? I am scared." Wei Ying said timidly.

"Will you stop messing around?" Asked Jiang Cheng angrily.

Wei Uing gulped before answering. Messing around runs in his blood. He shook his head as no. If he lied, Jiang Cheng will give him a very good punishment.

Not to eat his Shijie's hand made soup.

His favorite.

Jiang Cheng sighed and started writing on his own paper. Yang Yang also stopped staring at Wei Ying and started doing his work,but still taking a few glances at Wei Ying.

Time passed and didn't knew when they fell asleep. Jiang Cheng was leaning on the wall, Yang Yang was also learning on the wall sleeping. Wei Ying had his hands wrapped around Yang Yang's waist and his head on his shoulder. 

Yanli came after their punishment time was over. She chuckled seeing the scene, they were looking so cute. She quietly came out of the room swearing to tease them to death. Especially Wei Ying who was sticking to Yang Yang like a leech.

"Mm,ahh!" Jiang Cheng woke after yawning.

He was shocked seeing their positions, Wei Ying's legs were literally on his lap.

"Wake up,Brat!" Jiang Cheng whispered quietly not wanting to wake Yang Yang up.

But seems like the fate was not on his favor.

The class bell rang loudly indicating the first class of the year has started.

Yang Yang woke up hearing the bell,he looked at his side seeing Wei Ying sleeping soundly. He cooed before shaking him gently but....

"WEI WUXIAN, WAKE UP. MY CHERRY IS HERE." Jiang Cheng shouted.

"AHHHH,NO! " He quickly jumped.

"Brat,get up and let's go to class now." Jiang Cheng said and dragged Wei Ying.

Yang Yang was shocked and unmoved for a moment. What the heck happened just now?

He shook his head, and went to attend the classes.

He can't ever understand humans.

They are difficult creatures.


Meng Yao was looking at the door time to time for Wei Ying yo enter. He was restless when he got to know he was punished, lans punishment was worse than death; Beating.

He was afraid if something or some horrifying scars will taint Wei Ying beautiful body. He is not ashamed to say that he is lusting after his own brother,step brother. This is not his fault that Wei Ying has such a pretty and elegant body with an amazing face. Anyone will be after him.

He sighed in relief when he saw Wei Ying being dragged by Jiang Cheng. He was pouting time to time,making Meng Yao feel himself tingling something down there. Only he knows how much he has taken cold bath moaning Wei Ying's name for the past 4 years.

His beautiful eyes like a paradise, his beautiful breed cheeks,his dark long lashes, his smooth skin,his curvy body,his long legs,his small waist and the most tempting his pink full lips with a mole under it.

He is just so perfect.

Meng Yao stoop up and made his way towards Jiang's sibling who were bickering with each other.

Wangji was reviewing his lessons until he heard a sweet laugh that sent butterflies down his stomach. He looked back to see lady Jiang and Wei Ying laughing whereas Jiang Cheng scoffed.

Wei Ying throwed his head back revealing his elegant unmarked neck and collarbone. Some uncomfortable feelings started to crawl up into Wangji's body. He shook his head and started reviewing his lessons but still taking notice of Wei Ying's every move.

Poor boy was Laughing without knowing some eyes were looking at him with Lust and some love.

"ChengCheng is so funny,Jie." Wei Ying laughed.

"Who is funny here?" They heard a voice from behind.

Wei Ying quickly scooped beside Jiang Cheng who also held his hand comfortably.

"Greetings all of you." Meng Yao said and bowed.

They three also bowed,it is disrespecting not to greet back.

"'How are you,brother Yao?" Yanli asked,softly.

"I am fine, Sister li. Thanks for asking." Meng Yao said.

"Well,then we will back off." Jiang Cheng said and dragged Wei Ying with Yanlk to their respective seats.

Meng Yao fisted his hands,whenever he try to come closer to Wei Ying,that Young master of Jiang always meddle in between.

He smirked to himself creating an evil plan in his mind. Once he mark Wei Ying as his,then he will see how he will get away from him. Wei Ying is his and his only.

But he didn't know, there is a devil behind that angel whom he wants so bad.


Madam Yu was sitting on one of the chairs in her chamber,she was thinking about the dream or more like reality that she has seen in 6 years ago.

"Remember Wei Wuxian, because of you we Jiang Clan are in trouble,so pay off your debt by taking care of my son and daughter."

"With my life,Madam Yu."

She regretted every word she said to him that day. It was not his fault,he was in his teen age.

Maybe,Maybe if she would have understood him earlier, they wouldn't have to see that day.

In their previous life.

She sighed and closed her eyes. They need to have a serious discussion on it.

If the destiny had given them another chance,then there is something that they missed in their previous life.

And she is willing to find it.


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