Oh no this is horrible

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A/N hey guys I want to apologize for not updating, I was really busy and I had writers block, I also had a fight with Caleb's dad. So yeah it's crazy soooo plz forgive me and let's go to the story FULL of Drama.


I was playing with Emily and Kyle. He is now 2 and Emily is 12. She grew fast. We were playing ball. Then the sprinklers went off. We screamed then started dancing in it. Like off High School Musical 2 when Troy and Gabriella had a picnic.

A few hours later we went in the house. Justin was playing on his phone.

Me:Hey babe

Justin:Hey come here

He knows that I still love James but he doesn't know I love James more than Justin.

Anyways I lied down next to him. He gave me a bottle of water I gave him a look.

Justin:Please its so good


I drunk some of it. It tasted good. I drunk more than half. Then I realized I was drinking something that taste like peanut butter. Oh no. I am allergic.

Me:What is in this?

He smirked

Justin:Peanut Butter

Soon I fell on the bed the boddle fell to the floor. Soon everything went black.

Justin's POV

The kids were in there room asleep so I shut the door and locked it from the outside.

I then went downstairs and picked up Tori. I put her on the couch before I locked there door. I went outside and went to the car. I put her in and buckled the seat belt. I drove to the ware house.

It was 12:00 when I got there. Still dark great timing. I went in and saw a beat and tide up James with a mad Rob yelling at him for taking Tori. He saw me and smiled I saw James mouth no. I put her down were the ropes were. Right in front of James. I tide her up and she woke up.

Tori's POV

I woke up being tied up. Great. I looked in front of me. James,he was beat. He had a black eye and looked ......weak.

I looked at Justin then beside him. It was Robert.

Rob:well well well look who's awake


Rob:*chuckles* Bitch

Me:you know if me,James or anyone I care about die. There coming after you and all your want-to-be vampire family

He ran over to me and grabbed my neck.

Justin:Rob!!!! Calm down!!!!

Rob:*lets go ruffly* little Justin in love with little Victorian

James:leave her the fuck alone.

Rob:so Justin do you think we should let them die slowly,burn the house down,or show James what he fell in love with etc

James:what do you mean?

Rob:*laughs* so little miss perfect hasn't told you she's a vampire

James:no such think

He walked over to me and lifted my lip. There were holes.

Justin:see those holes.


Rob pushed on it.

Justin:isn't that a little bit out of the ordinary to have an extra layer of teeth....she has another longer behind it

Rob:she hasn't attached you yet so she must love you.

Me:I don't suck humans


Justin :yeah right

He cut a slit on his wrist and put it over my face.....there was ,y teeth showing wanting that blood.

Rob:you see there all the same

I his y fangs and then said something that surprised them


They looked at me. Rob looked so mad. He got a knife it had blood on it.

Me:wait is that-

Hr stabbed me and I felt pain

Rob:dead man's blood,bitch

He started slitting down my chest then my wrist.

Soon he got a machette about to cut off my head. But something killed him. Glass. I looked at the window it was nothing but Mama. She soon sped and slit open Justin's neck. He was dead. She left with no one noticing.

Soon the cops burst in. They got me and James untied. Then put us in the ambulance.


When we got there we were split up. He went in one room I went in another.

The doctor's started working on me. When they did they found something in my blood. A bunch of white blood cells.

Doc: cops James says her kids are locked in there room.

They left and the doctor told me some horrible news.

Me:so what's wrong with me?

Doc: you have leukemia...would you like me to tell James

Me:no I'll tell....but how long do I have to live.

Doc: 2 years

This is the worst birthday ever. Yep I'm 23 and during at 25 exactly on my birthday.

A/N sorry if it's too short but this is not over. Spoiler alert: Tori will die. I will make a sequel. Whoever wants to be the lucky girl posts in comment you all have a chance. If you don't when ask for a story/one shot of whoever you want and it will happen.

It's you,It's only you*James Maslow vs. Justin Bieber love story*Where stories live. Discover now