-The club (part 1/2)

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Me, Harry, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis have been just sitting and chatting here on the sand for a long time now. But for a few minutes we haven't said a word.

"I'm bored!!"- Me, Niall and Louis say in unison. We look at each-other and laugh.

"There's going to be a huge party in like...15 minutes at the "Hawaii" club."- Liam told us.

"What are we waiting for then?"- Zayn asked and we all stood up. I shook the sand from my dress and followed the boys. I felt a pair of arms hug me from behind and I shivered from the touch. Electricity went through my body. I looked over my shoulder and saw the curly head smiling wide. I giggled at his face.

"PDA, guys!!!"- Niall said to us. .__.

"What is PDA?"- I asked. They all looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Public display of affection."- They said in unison. I nodded as to say I understood.

We walked for a little while and then we were finally there. We got in in pairs. Zayn and Liam, Louis and Niall, Harry and me. I noticed some girls looking at me, as if I did something bad. 

"Harry? Why are these girls looking at me like that?"- I whispered to him.

"Just ignore them."- Harry said and lead me to a table where all the other boys were sitting. We sat with them and waited for the steward to come and get our orders. 

"I'll get a martini."- Zayn orders.

"Make that two."- Louis said.

"Make it three."- Niall said laughing. 

"I'll get water."- Liam said.

"Water for me, too."- Harry said.

"Water...oh, and salt, please."- I said smiling at her.

She looked at Harry flirtly than at me with a dirty look. .-. What did I do to these people?

After she wrote all our orders down on her little notebook she walked away.

"I really don't understand why all those girls look at me as if I killed someone."- I say. They chuckled.

"You didn't do anything."- Niall said.

"I know that -_- ."- I said back.

"It's just that every girl here wants to date us and stuff, so they are jealous that you are chilling with us."- Zayn explains to me. I nod and then the steward came with our drinks. She placed the glasses on our table, but didn't leave without glaring at me and winking at Harry. 

She made a weird sign with her hand near her ear and mouthed 'call me'.  She winked once more at him that walked away, swaying her hips right to left and it looked like they were going to move from their place if she didn't stop that.

"Damn, that's one sexy ass."- Zayn said biting his lip and looking at the girl who just left.

"Her hips were moving really weird, you know."- I said. Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall burst out laughing. Did I say anything funny? :|

Harry's POV:

"Damn, that's one sexy ass."- Zayn said as he 'drooled' at the girl. ._. If you call that walking stick 'sexy', than you haven't seen anything sexy in your life.

"Her hips were moving really weird, you know."- Lorelei said innocently. The other boys began laughing their asses off as Lorelei stared at them confused. She looked so cute :3

"Listen up, boys! Grab the nearest girl to you, it's time to shake the floor!!"- The DJ announced on the microphone. I took advantage and grabbed Lorelei's arm, dragging her to the dance-floor. 

'Mermaid' by Train was on.

Lorelei moved along to the music and I bit my lip at the sight of her dancing. I grabbed her hips and moved closer, as we danced together.

I neared my head to Lorelei's shoulder and sang to her.

"Beauty in the water, angel on the beach, ocean's daughter, I thought love was out of reach, 'till I got her, had I known it would come true, I would have wished in '92, for a mermaid, just, like, you."- I sang.

Lorelei's POV:

This song fit perfectly to my condition, I was a mermaid, and the song was about a mermaid.

"Beauty in the water, angel on the beach, ocean's daughter, I thought love was out of reach, 'till I got her, had I known it would come true, I would have wished in '92, for a mermaid, just, like, you."- Harry sang to me. I smiled and sure I was really amused by how incredibly wonderful he sings. 

The song came to an end. Harry let go off my hips and we walked to the table again. The other boys were still dancing with some random girls.

I grabbed the glass of water and placed it nearer me. I took the salt as well and poured a lot on the glass.

Harry looked at my glass as I picked it up and drank it. His face looked shocked.

I put the glass again on the table. 

"Wanna try it?"- I point at the salt. He thinks for a few seconds.

"Uh...s-sure?"- He said but it came out like a question.

He neared his glass to me so I could put the salt on it.

I poured the salt a little too much until he told me it was enough.

He brought the glass to his lips and slowly drank it. He placed the glass back to the table and made a really funny face.

I laughed at the sight as he spilled the water out of his mouth accidentally. I drank my water without any problem. I guess I'm lucky in this one.

"That was..uhm...salty."- He said wiping his mouth with a little tissue. I giggled and he laughed and coughed again.

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