Under The Sea

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"Wake up and make me some seaweed!''- I heard someone's voice yell. I groaned and tried to cover myself with the sheets. Oh, wait...I don't have any. 

"Wake up!!''- That girly voice yelled again. I put my hands in the 'air' than got up. I looked up and saw my annoying little sister, Melody,8 years old, trying to catch her tail as if she was a dogfish. (I don't know if dogfish do that...I just made it up.) This girl haves some serious problems.

I stretched my arms than got out of my shell and went to my make-up table, where my other 10 sisters were. All sat gently on their chairs, from the oldest to me, the youngest. (Exept Melody.)

Arianna, the biggest sister was sitting on her chair brushing her beautiful long blonde hair.

Brianna, the twin of Arianna, was sitting right next to her.

Calliope, was playing with her hair while singing. Her beautiful voice filled the room.

Darcy, also known as the emo one, was just sitting there with her iSplash (See what I did there? iSplash!!)

Eliska, was telling who knows what to Darcy, who was just ignoring her.

Felicia, was just bouncing on her chair. She's always happy, she's just so joyful.

Gana, was too busy with her algae, she said that they'll be booming today.

Heba, was the most religious one, so that means she's reading some regilious books.

Irma, was-as always- fighting with Jamari, you can call Irma the God of war.


Well, Jamari was the warrior. She's always,but always,having a little war with any person who caused problems to her.

I think the next one is me, eh?

Well, I'm Lorelei, also known as ''the adventurous one''. That's what people call me, but I'm not adventurous at all. How can I be adventurous when my dad never lets me do anything outside the castle? Ironic...I know.

Melody is the little sister, she's weird. Ok, I shouldn't say that, but it is very true.

EXAMPLE: She tried to catch her tail as if she was a dog just a little while ago. You can't call that normal. Cause all she had to do is to move the tail closer to her than she would have catched it easily. 

"Fast, fast, fast! Get ready, ladies. Your father wants to see you."- Our maid, Patricia, told us.

I brushed my teeth, did my hair and make-up than put on my little starfishes as my earrings.

We all swam out of the room in a row, from Arianna to Melody, who was behind me.

We stopped in front of our father's throne.

"My lovelies, how are all you?"- Our father asked us.

"We're great dad!"- Arianna and Brianna chorused.

"Awesome! The party I'll be going it's gonna be off the hook!!!"- Calliope sang.

"Bored, like everyday, not needing anyone in my life, just me, me and myself."- Darcy said in a tone of annoy. 

"Honestly, dad. I am great. You know one time I was on the ..."- Eliska started telling one of her stories. Oh, that girl is so truthful.

"It's completely amazing! Everything makes me happy!"- Felicia screamed. 

"A little tired, I worked all night with my algae. Hopefully it blooms today."- Gana said looking at her algae.

"God made this day full of light, he makes us happy everyday with everything he gives us, we can never thank him enough."- Heba said.

"I'm good but I can't say the same thing about Jamari, she seems a little bit crazy."- Irma said whispering the last part.

" 'I'm good but I can't say the same thing about Jamari'."- Jamari said mimicking Irma. "Oh, shut it!"- She finished.

"What about you, my darling?"- Dad asked me.

I turned to face him.

"Oh...I'm fine."- I said shortly.

And I lied.

Because I wasn't fine at all. Because I was sick of being a mermaid.

I wish I was just a human. I'm sure things would be much different, and much much more easier.


I know it's short and boring, and I apologize about that. I promise the next chapters are going to be much more fun. Thanks for reading so much!

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