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'crazy about him'

fern parker and charles leclerc had a special friendship to say the very least, a friendship that was destined to happen when they began working with each other three years ago. because fern had joined ferrari only a few month before charles, it was only fair that they paired the two youngsters with one another, because of their similar age and common interests.they had become inseparable over the years, the mancunian woman finding a sense of comfort in the monégasque man, him being like her home away from home.

for her to leave manchester at the young age of nineteen to be so far away from home everyday. whether they were in a different county, it got difficult for fern sometimes. however, it got even worse when the pandemic hit, her mental health spiralled knowing that her family was back in manchester and there was no chance that she was going to see them anytime soon killed her; her overthinking got worse, her worries about her family increased on the daily and she forgot to look after herself but charles was there through every step of it.

fern and charles had temporarily moved in with each when it was announced that there was going to be a national lockdown, both deciding it would be best for both of them if they had each other. they supported each other when things got difficult everyday that passed, they wanted nothing more than to make the other as happy as they could be. living with each other for so long only make them grow closer, more flirtatious jokes were shared, shy
glances were stolen from across the room and they learnt everything and anything about each other that they didn't already know.

but because of the close nature of their friendship and their jobs that they were in, rumours made by the media and fans began to spread about them. rumours of them two dating, sleeping together, any nonsense that would possibly bring attention for the wrong reasons. it got annoying very quickly, for both fern and charles, as they were constantly getting asked if there was anything going on between them or hearing comments can made about them as they would walk through the paddock but they didn't let it visibly bother them too much.

however, the media weren't the only who saw how fern and charles looked at each other, many people at ferrari also had an opinion on it. they all loved teasing the youngsters about how 'in love' they were in, enjoying how red their faces would get afterwards. carlos, pierre and luisa were the three people that enjoyed reading the pair mostly, the trio making a bet on when they would finally admit their feelings for one another, and get together, everybody in the paddock saw the looks that were shared , they heard all all of the flirty comments made by fern and lando and they simply weren't stupid enough to believe they had no romantic feelings for the other.

at any time that either fern or charles was needed but couldn't be found, all you had to do was to look for the other and you'd find the one your looking for aswell; the pair spending most of their time in his drivers room or sat in a corner of the hospitality watching tik tok. if they were at a race weekend, at the centre of another's home, it was as if they were joined at the hip; everything that they could do together, they would do together.

which leads us to now, the last interview of the day, unless they ran into ted throughout the day who would definitely ask a few random questions, ted kravitz was up there as one of fern's favourite people in the paddock just purely because of his strange humour and his personality, so she would have no worries if they did come across him.

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