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'crazy about him'

"i don't want to sound cocky but i think she really liked me." fern sighed happily as she relaxed against the leather of the passenger seat of the car, resting her hands in between her thighs to try and warm them up slightly.

"fern, my love, she was obsessed with you." charles confirmed it, a beaming smile on his face to know that his mum accepted the woman he was in love with. "just before we left, mamma called you her daughter, and she never does that."

"what can i say ? i just have that charm that all parents love." the blonde woman shrugged playfully, moving one of her hands from her thigh to rest on charles's, gripping it slightly as a small gesture to thank him for everything.

"damn right you do." charles leant over the console to kiss her, no matter how many times he kissed her, neither of them got bored of the feeling of their lips fitting together perfectly. "do you have any plans tonight?"

"i was planning on having a glass of wine and a chinise as a celebration for meeting your family."

"can i take you out?" he asked timidly, almost as if she'd say no to him which would've been the option she would never choose.

"out as in a date?"

"yeah, somewhere nice and i'll even let you choose."

"such a gentleman, did you just think of this?" she smiled warmly at him, interlocking their fingers as their hands sat on the gearstick together.

"no, i have a surprise planned for you so i'm glad you don't have any plans."

"charles, you know i don't like surprises." he knew this but with what he organised for he, it was something that fern would be over the moon with, he was so sure about that.

"i promise that this is a good one."

"it's a good job i trust you but are you not worried about your fans seeing us out? you know how they reacted last time they saw us." she told him, referring to the comments and tweets they had gotten from the video of them in croatia.

"i don't care what anybody else says about us, you make me happy and that's all that matters but if you don't feel comfortable then that's totally fine."

"no it's not that, babe, i do want to go out." she reassured him, not wanting to let his fans opinions of her and them get into the way of them and their 'relationship'.

"you getting ready at mine or yours?" he took his eyes off of the road for a brief second so he could look over at fern, catching her already gazing at him with made her blush when she caught out by him.

"is me getting ready at yours a metaphor for something else?" she smirked slightly, knowing how her getting ready at his usually ended up and it consisted of their clothes all over the room before they even got the chance to get ready.

"take it however you want, my love."

"you don't mind if i'd stay over, do you?" charles's anticipation of asking fern out on a date was like her asking to sleep over at his, both of them knew the other would say yes but there was always that nagging voice in the back of their head saying no.

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