"𝐍𝐎 𝐍𝐎 𝐍𝐎, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧!"

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"Who whould have ever thought I'd find myself at such a place."

I get out of my car, grab my backpack, and lock the doors. Then, I realise I've locked my keys in the car. They're just laying there on the passager seat, tanning in the morning sun, happily on holiday, while I, have school. By choice though-

I sigh and walk to the building. I'd deal with the keys later.

I make my way into the unfamiliar building. Apparently classes have already started since it is empty. I look around, making a quick blueprint of my surroundings. I check my schedule that I got yesterday from the principal, then check the time on my phone. Alright, its only ten minutes into the first lesson, not so bad. I make my way to the venue on the second floor. I take a deep breath as I enter the well decorated classroom. I ignore all eyes on me and find an open seat. I look at the teacher who has a confused expression on her face. Well hello beautiful-

At least I'll have eye candy while I study here. So it might not be as boring as majority of my life so far.

"Excuse me?" I hear the goddess speak, staring directly at me with those gorgeous, deep, wise, amber eyes.

She looks so young, yet she has this depth. Or maybe, its the black jeans, black button up and black blazer that she is wearing. That looks hot might I add.

"Yes?" I look back at her with the same confusion, but secret amusement.

"Who are you?" She asks.

Oh?! I was supposed to do an introduction? In the old days there was no such thing. You walk in, sit down and listen.

"Hi...My name is Merl Hillar. I, um... I like food? Eating? And... " I look for something else that should be appropriate to say, "Advanced Anthropology..."

Of course, not just advanced Anthropology. What do I seem to you like, boring?

"That was so random..." I hear someone loudly whisper.

Well duhh...

"Are you the new transfer student?" Asks Miss or Mrs Hottie.

"I, wait... Isn't that obvious?" I say with a 'duhh' voice.

She nods without answering then goes back to teaching. Apparently this is world history class... After a while I doze off, just staring at her. Who can blame me, she's smoking. And, its not like I don't know any of this shit already.

I am so fixated with ogling at her brown-black hair and long curved body that I dont hear her call me.

"Miss Hillar!" She says, loudly.

I snap out of my trance.
"Yes?!" I blurt out quickly.

"Can you answer the question please?" She asks with a smirk.

Oh well hello there Miss Just saw me checking her out.

"Can you repeat the question please Mrssssssss......." I say purposefully, floating on the s.

"Miss Xavier." She finishes.

"'Miss' Xavier..." I repeat with a sweet smile, putting a little emphasis on the miss.

"The question was: What date was the 19th Amendment passed, granting suffrage to woman?" She lifts an eyebrow at me and crosses her arms.

"Too easy-" I mutter, but apparently she heard.

"If you answer right I'll ask you a harder one then." She teases.

I internally laugh like the maniac I am. She's underestimating me.

⚢𝐖𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡[gxg](txs) Where stories live. Discover now