"It's a deal..."

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Yesterday was, interesting. Somehow I was able to make the crush on my history teacher disappear last night, by convincing myself that it could never work, which is true. Its a necessary step to take, especially since Im immortal. I havent had a crush in over a hundred years and I got over every single one of them before it got too deep. This one should be the same. Caught it bright and early, like cancer.

But, true to my word Im now packing lunch for my crew and I for break, and for my teacher and I for detention. The crew asked for wraps, for some reason. So now I'm putting them in a cooler bag. The cooler bag that I'll have to carry around the whole day. For Miss Hott- I mean Xavier and I, I made one of my favourites: lasagne. I put that in a container as well and put it in the cooler bag.


Before I know it the school grounds has made its way under my feet. My BMW XI is parked in the lot, and I am parked in front of my newly assigned locker. I see a few papers and gum residue that almost makes me gag. Ill have to remind myself to clean it out later. And to buy decorations for it. Deciding its too dirty to put my books in, I make my way to my first lesson. I sit down with all eyes on me and Mr, Drawndin- as I've heard- starts his lesson.


Two boring lessons pass and it is now break. After break I have history.

I head to the cafeteria and I see AJ sitting alone. I head up to him immediately. I wonder where the others are.

"Hey!" I announce my presence and he acknowledges me with a hug.

"Hi, I was just waiting for you! Just wanted to let you know we are sitting outside today, " he announces and I nod.

I sigh with contempt as we walk. I think I've found a nice group of friends. They include me, are kind, a bit demanding, but it a cute way and they arent judgemental. AJ notices this and raises one brown eyebrow.

"Something the matter?" He asks curiously.

"Nope!" I assure and he nods.

Finally we come to an area outside the building. I havent been here before. It looks much like a garden with a few clearings of grass and sand in between. Trees hang over head, creating a luminae green. Ooh! Lunar feelings.

I see the crew sitting under a tree on the grass. They wave at us as we approach. Car gives me a bro hug, the boys give me a high five and the three girls look way too shy to even touch me since Im gay. They simply mutter 'hi'.

Im about to sit down but car stops me, "First, did you bring the food?"

Car looks like a puppy drooling over steak. I nod then sit down with a chuckle. Car instantly grabs a container when I open the bag.

"This isn't a wrap!" He pouts.

I laugh as I realise he has taken a lasagne.

"Thats for me for later, " I say then I take it back and give him his much wished for wrap.

"Now we're talking!" He exclaims happily.

Everyone mutters thanks as I hand out for them and they are dead silent as they eat. I assume they are enjoying themselves as the talkative group is now silent as death. I mean, I do hear the occasional humm of pleasure but, still.

Midway through eating Mark rummages through my cooler bag.

"Hey Merl?" He asks holding up two containers.

"Hhm?" I ask.

"Why are there two?" He asks and the group looks at me with curious eyes.

"Oh!" I dont know why but I suddenly got nervous.

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