"You really are beautiful. "

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After detention I find the group waiting for me in the parking lot. I forgot that there had been no sport today and I feel a pang of guilt for them having to wait.

"There she is!" Calls Car.

"About time," comments Ashley and AJ shoots her a glare to which she shrugs.

God, now I feel even worse.

"Sorry for making you guys wait. You could have gone on without me, I'd have met you at the mall," I explain while approaching them.

Car chuckles and pats my shoulder, "No, no, don't stress. Where were you anyway?"

I roll my eyes slightly at the reminder of where I had been, with whom I had been.
"Detention," I sigh.

The group whispers and Ashley and Eddy chuckles between each other.

"Dang girl, what are you getting in so much trouble for?" Asks Mark.

"Smoking," I reply casually.

The group bursts out in silent humms of understanding.
"We've all been there. Quick tip, there is a spot at the sport changing rooms that is secluded enough to do ...anything," says Car and then he motions that we should get a move on.

Maybe, just maybe I'll use that tip.

The group distributes themselves between vehicles. I've already learned that Ashley and Eddy take the same car to and from school. Now that I think about it, they're awfully close. I only dismiss the thought that they are a couple because they each have a jock on their sleeve.

The group quickly zooms off once I swing my leg over my bike. That's when I realise that I've been set up. A wave of frustration coaxes a pain in my head. Standing next to my bike is none other than Penny.

"This was done purposely, wasn't it?" I ask her and she smiles nervously.

"I might have told them I like you. That's why we waited for you. I kept telling them not to do it, but they were extremely adamant-" she rambles and I must say, her flushed face is adorable.

"Penny," I cut her off, the worry on her face melts straight through my agitation, I continue with a sigh, "It's okay."

"It is?" A slight smile is forced to her face.

"Yeah," I say and hand her the only helmet I have.

She frowns and holds it back to me, "What about you?"

I want to laugh but I suppress the urge. I'd be happy to die if I even could.

"Trust me, I'll be fine," I push the helmet towards her and she puts it over her head and clips it in place.

I shoot her a satisfied smile before I gesture for her to get on.

I watch as her body language takes a 180 degree turn. The nervousness awakes in her shoulders, knees, her clanched hands and stiff neck.

"Come on, I won't bite," I sooth and she hops on the bike after taking a deep breath.

After not knowing what to do with her hands I reach for her shaking arms behind me and I wrap them around my middle, pulling her body closer to mine.

"Wha!" She protests.

"Do you want to fall off?"

"N-no," she stutters.

I chuckle, "Then hold on tight, okay?"

"Okay," she squeaks.

At that I bring my bike to a sexy raur and I feel Penny's arms tighten around me.

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