"Call me Ren."

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I debated hard. I mean, what am I doing!? I'm currently standing in the pet shop I told Merl to go to. Doing what exactly? Waiting for her for a reason that I don't even know. Yes she intrigues me, but that doesn't give me a reason to be here. Too late now, there she is. So, I just smile and wave. Have I told you before how nice she looks with my shirt on? Beautiful, absolutely... Fuck, not again.

She walks up to me with a confused frown. Okay Ren, beath, play it cool, you're here to see Blueberry, not your student. But I don't see Blueberry with her, so technically... Fuck!

"Miss Xavier?" Asks Merl in a confused voice, "What are you doing here?"

I try not to look at those beautiful brown eyes and look for an excuse. Mhm! Got it!

"Since I already included myself in Blueberry's life, I'm here for her, " I state proudly, smooth Ren, real smooth.

"Oh!" Says Merl as if a light bulb just went on, "Oh..." She repeats and looks, disappointed?

Well fuck!? What was I supposed to say?

"That makes sense," she adds.

"Yeah, consider me her second mom!" I blurt out.

Well fuck, that just sounded wrong.

"That will have to make us married Miss Xavier. Now we can't have that can we?" She says smoothly and flirtatiously then starts walking through the store to get stuff to buy for Blueberry.

I quickly grab a basket then catch up with her, "Oh be mature Merl!"

Without facing me she says, "Immaturity is the inability to handle what society views as immature. Technically that makes you the immature one... "

She grabs three catnip containers in bulk and throws it in.

"And what, people that act immature arent really immature?" I ask.

"No, they are immature. Its just the definition of immature that is wrong," she says.

Wow. When I really think about it she's absolutely right. And I thought I was wise, being a fossil and all.
She keeps beating me in my own game! How is this even possible? A mere mortal...

"I guess," I say and sigh, defeated.

We then gather all sorts of toys and goodies for the kitten. Its honestly super fun, and I'm learning a lot about Merl.

"So, what colour?" I ask and hold up two kitten beds, one pink and one blue.

"Blue, matches her eyes. Also blue is just better," she says.

I gasp and hold my chest in offence. How dare she say blue is better.

"How dare you! Pink was my favorite as a kid!" I say.

Merl laughs then grabs the blue bed.

"Well, now look at you," she says and eyes me up and down.

I raise an eyebrow and put the other bed back.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask and cross my arms.

"Black or pink?" She smirks and points at my all black attire.

"Black..." I sigh.

I give up, she's impossible.

We continue to buy things and when we're done we head to the till.

"Good afternoon!" Greets the cashier and smiles brightly at the large bulk of things we're about to purchase.

"Good afternoon!" I greet and Merl just says, "Hello."

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