The first fight

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A/N : I'm sorry, but, this chapter had to happen eventually so, here we are. I am so sorry you have to deal with this chapter.


Adrien always lets his father push him around, he could never say no. You knew that he didn't like it and you wished that he would tell his father no once in a while.

You tried to help him even, however, nothing ever worked. Your conversations normally went like this, "Sunshine, I know you want to be a good son for your father but can't you just say no once in a while? You kinda just let him walk all over you."

Adrien would always respond with, "Yeah, but I just know he would say no to me. He always does."

"I know but sometimes you just need to keep trying..." You respond with.

He had to keep canceling all of your guys planes because of his father and you were sick of it. You had been waiting for 30 minutes in a restaurant for your date when you finally decided to message him.

Sunshine 😘

You: Hey, I thought we had our dinner date tonight.

Sunshine 😘: Oh, I'm sorry, Cupcake! I totally forgot to tell you my father had me scheduled for a photoshoot.

Read at 6:36

You couldn't believe him. He promised you that you would go out tonight, then he does this!? All you wanted to do was spend time with him! As you made your long walk back to the bakery you couldn't help but cry. The tears made your mascara start running down your face. As you entered the bakery going upstairs to your home your loving sister came over to you.

"Oh, y/n, what happened?" She asked wiping some tears.

"He never showed up." You spoke wiping your tears.

She pulled you into a tight hug and soon you heard knocking on the door. You went to go get it and you saw Adrien there. You scowl at him and he rubs the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry Cupcake, honest!" He spoke.

"Save it. I don't want to hear it." You spoke.

"Babe! I'm sorry! I tried to tell my father!"

"You promised me dinner! Blondie, you promised!"

"I don't have time for that stuff!"

"Adrien, that stuff, is important to me!" You yelled the tears coming again.

"Whatever! I wouldn't have to do this sit all the time if you weren't such a distraction!" He yelled.

"Is that...really how you feel?" You asked in a quiet voice.

"YES! YOU NEVER GET OFF MY BACK!" He spoke in a raised voice

"Fine! Then if I am such a distraction for you why don't you leave? Never talk to me again Adrien!" You yell the mascara running down your face.

With that, you went in slamming the door in his face leaving him there with a face of guilt and regret.

With that, you went in slamming the door in his face leaving him there with a face of guilt and regret

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