The First Fight Pt. 2

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A/N: This will have Nino and Luka, the next one will have Félix! Again, sorry I had to do these chapters. I'm also sorry for how long it takes for me to write these.

You knew that Nino loved to hang out with his friends but this time it went too far. It all started on your 8-month anniversary. 

You sigh, "Almost a whole year with my Nino. I should do something for him...however, he always seems to one-up my gifts."

You go out to the store to find a nice present for Nino and your eyes fall on a new pair of headphones he wanted. You took the box and went to pay. Then you made your way home. Where you only got a text from your boyfriend.


Gremlin👹: Hey, bubbles, I'm sorry but I came down sick so, we can't meet up :(

You: It's perfectly fine! Get better soon. I can come over to help you if you want?

Gremlin👹: Nooooooo! Babe, I can't have you coming over and getting sick! I promise we can do anything you want when I get better.

You: Oh alright! I hope you feel better cutie.

Gremlin👹: Thank you!

You sighed, you were a little disappointed but poor Nino was sick. You decided to get takeout and watch some movies. Around 8:00 you were on Snapchat sending out streaks and checking people's stories. When you got on Adrien's story you saw a familiar hat in the background and sure enough, there was Nino hanging out with Adrien and his other friends. they were at the pizza place in town.

"I thought he was sick?" You say out loud. You get up and grab his present putting on your shoes and leaving the house.

You rush to the pizza place and open the door to see them laughing loudly at a table. You instantly made eye contact with Nino and he wasn't so tan anymore. In fact, he was as pale as a ghost. 

Adrien and the others look between your expression and Nino's pale face. Adrien clears his throat, "Uh, Nino, We'll just be uh- Waiting in the car..."

He and the others followed out quickly to not witness your wrath.

"Babe, it's not what it looks like!" He said.

"Save it, Nino." You say glaring into his eyes.

"I swear, it isn't what it looks like!" Nino said.

"Oh, so you expect me to believe you're feeling better!?" You say.

"Babe, come on!" He said in his typical laid-back manner.

"DON'T YOU 'BABE, COME ON' ME! YOU SAID YOU WERE SICK! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!?" You say raising your voice angrily.


That statement hit you hard. You frowned and looked away, he didn't mean to blow up at you like that.

"Fine...I guess if I'm so annoying and clingy, you should have some time without me. Here's your anniversary present..." You give him the present feeling dejected. Then you turn and walk away leaving the guilty Nino standing alone with the gift bag in hand.

🎸Luka🎸Such a calm individual

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Such a calm individual. How? Well, who knows? However, he did get a little jealous of you, which is how this all started. It was a normal day in the lovely city of Paris. You were hanging out with your friend Marc. You both had 1 thing in common your love of writing. You liked to write poems and you always shared them with Marc.

One day, Luka saw you hanging out with Marc and got the wrong idea, he thought you were cheating on him because all he saw was you hugging him. The reason he hugged you is because you made a poem for him being your friend and he got a little emotional and cried. 

Luka didn't know this and then you guys were hanging out later that day and while sitting at the table he was silent while you talked to him. You spoke up noticing the odd change in his behavior, "Luka? Are you okay?"

"Oh, just peachy..." Luka said rolling his eyes.

"Talk to me? What's wrong? Did I do something?" You asked confused.

"Matter of fact, you did. What were you doing hugging Marc? Of all the people Marc!" He said getting a little loud.

You were momentarily confused but then realized what he was talking about, "Blueberry, let me explain this!"

"Save it. I've seen you hang out with Marc! It's obvious you like him more than me so admit it," Luka said.

At that moment, you had enough. "Marc is gay! Get over yourself! I would have never expected this from you. Now, when you finally get yourself a brain we can talk. If you'll excuse me!"

You got up from your seat leaving him at the table. Sure, he felt bad, I mean he did just accuse you of something and didn't let you explain why. 

(Side Note: Bro has no eyelashes lmao)

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(Side Note: Bro has no eyelashes lmao)

A/N: Alright after a long-awaited 10 years /j.  The chapter is here. But now the final one is Félix. That one is one for another time. Also, I'm sorry for rushing Luka, I didn't know what to do for him, he's a pretty chill guy. Sorry if it wasn't what you may have been expecting. Hope you guys have a good day or night!

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