Magic is a dangerous thing..although it can be the most astonishing you always have to be careful what you use it for and how you use it.
arindale hasn't been the same for 7 years now..There are the Royals & the "necessitous"
They called us,yes we...
I get dressed picking out a simple yet elegant dress according to Silas's order.Will this do?
[The dress she picked]
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"This feels so strange..." Those words left my mouth as I dropped myself on his soft bed
"How did I go from wearing some old plain dresses to wearing these type of things.."
I stare in space allowing my thought's to drown me,"Are you finished?" Silas's voice cuts me out and I jump up "Well just having problems with my hair"
I connect my hands together in front of me as I watch him eyeing my whole body from bottom to top "it looks weird doesn't it?" I grab the side of my dress and look down
I knew it,I should change
"I thought of changing it anyways so-" I didn't finish my sentence "no,it looks perfect on you" those words left his mouth as his eyes remained mesmerised.
"Uh..okay then..I guess I'll figure something out with my hair very quickly,sorry for the wait" I make my way in front of his mirror
Maybe I should braid it? its too plain,Um maybe-
I freeze as he walks up behind me taking the hair tie off my hair letting my hair out revealing its silk "leave it out" His voice spoke close up behind me leaving goosebumps down my spine
"Out?" I almost stuttered "It would be a Fascinating choice,it matches the look" he fixes his button at his wrist leaving and making his way downstairs after saying those words
This man is trying to do something to not aware of what though
I let out a deep sight and turn around walking after him downstairs.
"Alright here's some stuff to remember,smile looking friendly will get you on people's good side and eventually they will like you,2 never leave my sight unless I allow you too..we need to look as close and romantic as ever,3 I hope you have memorised how we "met" since a lot of people will start to question you about stuff and you don't want it to get grimy now do you? He lifts his eyes to me from the floor as he said that,4 sign the contract when you see me signing don't know how someone could get you to sign something you aren't suppose to" he finally gets up after cleaning his shoes
Dear lord don't let me forget any of this
I nod "everything's noted" I reply and he turns to a side hooking his arm and waiting for me to wrap my right arm around his,I hesitate until I finally give up and wrap my arm around his.