Prologue: Unexpected Evolution

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Author's Notes: In 2018 I was at school, talking to my old friend, Junior Lira. We were talking about movies and cartoons. At one point, Lira commented that as a child, he really liked watching X-Men: Evolution, which, by the way, I also really liked watching when I was a child. It was at that moment that an idea popped into my head, which was inspired by the story of the X-Men: What would happen if some animals we know evolved drastically?

If there were an unexpected evolution of some animals, these animals would probably become anthropomorphic and develop several human characteristics and abilities, such as speech, for example. If this happened, humanity would obviously not react very well, where humans would have an extreme prejudice against evolved animals, starting a conflict between both species.

After I talked about this idea to Lira, he liked the idea, because it was very original and because no film, series or cartoon had explored this idea. Over the years, I had put this idea aside and focused more on other "less bizarre" ideas when creating other stories. However, in 2021, I was watching X-Men: Evolution on TV, where I remembered the idea I had back in 2018. After remembering that, I started thinking about creating a story for that idea.

Furthermore, it was during this period that I discovered that since the 2000s there had been a comic that explored a similar idea, Twokinds, where the focus of this comic was the conflict between humans and anthropomorphic animals in a medieval fantasy world. In July of this year, I decided to create a story for this idea. I decided to do this because I wanted to follow advice from my friend, NOTG: create simple but well-made stories first, as no one starts writing very long, complex and ambitious books/stories.

He said that over time I will become more experienced in creating books by writing short and simple stories, so in the future I can create longer and more complex stories. But the person who really motivated me to create this story was NOTG's friend, Wallax Duarte, because he really wanted to read this story. However, instead of creating a typical fantasy, action or adventure story, I decided to create a dramatic story about a forbidden and unlikely friendship between a human girl and an evolved animal.

In short, I wanted to make something as realistic as possible, not something fantasy like Twokinds. The story I created was inspired by The Cure (1995), a dramatic film that tells the story of a friendship between two boys, where one of them contracted AIDS thanks to a blood transfusion. Another major inspiration during the creation of this book was a Phil Collins song, Look Through My Eyes (yes, that song from the end credits of Disney's Brother Bear).

This song talks about the maturation of a child, where the singer asks the child not to be afraid of discovering new things by learning from mistakes. This song kind of reflects on the female protagonist of my book, because before she was an asshole in relation to evolved animals, but when she met the male protagonist, who by the way is also an evolved animal, she stopped having this prejudice against those anthropomorphic beings.

Oh, before I forget, this story doesn't have a villain, but an antagonist. For those who don't know the difference between villain and antagonist, villains are evil, they like to do evil and will do anything to make the protagonist's life hell, while the antagonist is not totally evil, he or she may even be a good person, but the antagonist is an obstacle in the protagonist's life because this character is against the protagonist's goals, you know?

On January 17, 2022, the year I created a summary/argument for the book, I was looking for commissions for ACs (Amino Coins) on Amino. It was on that day that I was lucky enough to meet Ádrian Bezerra, also known as NOTG (at that time his stage name was {G}, but later changed to NOTG), who would later become my best friend who I met here at Internet. During this period he was accepting ACs commissions.

Initially, I wanted him to draw my first fursona with his girlfriend, but I soon remembered that I had wanted a remake/redraw of the drawing of the two protagonists of the story of friendship between a human and an evolved animal for some time. Yes, I already had a drawing of the two protagonists of my story, which was done by an artist called Dsstny.

The problem is that this drawing was very simple, and that's why I wanted a new drawing of my characters. So I asked NOTG to redesign the two characters for me, with some changes and such. Despite the delay and some unforeseen circumstances, on January 27th, my friend finished making the drawing for me. Despite some problems with the colors, I really liked the drawing. Obviously the drawing was much better than the first drawing of my characters.

This was the first drawing my friend made for me, then he made others over time, lol. Thank you very much, NOTG! I really loved this drawing you made for me ❤️. The characters in this drawing are (From left to right): Nathan Davison (Anthropomorphic gray fox) and Emily Hartwood (Human girl). Now that you know all the development of my idea, have a good read ^^

In the early 80s, several animals on the planet are evolving drastically, becoming anthropomorphic beings

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In the early 80s, several animals on the planet are evolving drastically, becoming anthropomorphic beings. These animals are having human characteristics, where in addition to becoming bipedal, they have acquired several human abilities such as speech and displaying human emotions, much to the surprise of humans. Scientists have not yet discovered what caused this unexpected evolution, with several theories emerging about it, where some scientists believed that some animals evolved due to a genetic mutation, but none of these theories have been proven.

Due to this evolution, humans began to fear for these animals, generating hatred and prejudice against them. This started a conflict between humans and evolved animals, where tensions and hostilities between them began to increase at an alarming and dangerous rate. In fact, some evolved animals are persecuted and attacked by people or even murdered by them, in addition to being called monsters, freaks of nature.

Most politicians have suggested the total extermination of these beings and a drastic measure to prevent all animals in the world from evolving, fearing that these beings will replace the animals we all know. Others, who in this case are the minority, suggested an end to the conflict between evolved animals and humans, believing in a possible coexistence between both species.

In any case, this conflict and prejudice of humanity against these anthropomorphic beings is far from over, and a war could even break out between both species. What was fiction in stories like the X-Men was becoming reality...

Final Notes: Thank you very much for reading this far. See you in the next chapter ^^

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