Chapter 5: Goodbye

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Author's Notes: And finally we are in the last chapter of my book. I want to thank NOTG, Wallax Duarte, Vox Volpe and my brother, Alex, for supporting me and motivating me to write this story. And I also want to thank everyone who read my book and arrived here. Thank you very much, you are amazing! Have a good read and prepare to be moved.

 Thank you very much, you are amazing! Have a good read and prepare to be moved

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Emily and Nathan were playing cowboys the following week. The day was very sunny, the sky was clear, the birds were singing, some flowers like roses were blooming, the leaves were falling from the trees... Everything seemed to be peaceful. Emily was impatient because she hadn't found Nathan to win the game by shooting him with her toy gun. In parallel to this, Nathan was very attentive, looking around with his toy shotgun.

At that moment, it was absolute silence, there were only sounds of crickets and birds that hovered in the sky. Until at one point, Emily finally found Nathan, apparently resting behind a huge rock, where his cowboy hat was on display. Emily slowly picked up her toy pistol, knelt down, and aimed it at Nathan's head. Emily was getting ready to fake shoot him, but she was waiting for the right moment.

— Bang! I got ya, Nathan!

After "shooting" him, Emily went to see her friend, who had apparently been defeated in that game. However, to her great surprise, Nathan wasn't there, just his hat, which was on a branch. At that moment, Nathan appeared by surprise and "shots" Emily, winning the game.

— Bang! Gotcha, Emily!

— No, you didn't! I'm wearing a bulletproof suit!

— But I shot you with a armor-piercing ray gun!

— But I have a radioactive force field around me that protected me from the rays, like armor!

— But my gun shoots atomic reduction heat waves that reduce radiation, destroying your entire force field!

— I paid $25 for that cowboy costume. I can't get out of the game so soon!

— Stop being a bad loser and accept your defeat once and for all.

— Look who's talking, the biggest cheat in the entire world.

— Cheater? Me?

— Yeah, you! What you did to try to get me out of the game was cheating!

— That I know how to make that trap is not cheating, but intelligence, that is, it was worth it.

— It wasn't worth it.

— Yep, it was worth it. It's you who don't want to admit that you lost in this game.

— Guess what? Fuck you, you motherfucking cheater!

— No, no, fuck you, and then tell me what you think, you terrible shitty loser!

— Asshole!

— Bitch!

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