Chapter 5: The Future McFlys

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Wednesday October 21st 2015

*Beep, *Beep
"Welcome Home, Jennifer"

Jennifer suddenly woke up from being unconscious she felt a little dizzy but she suddenly something grab onto her she thought it was Marty but it wasn't, it was two females police officers, she must've been out longer than she thought.

Are you alright? asked one of the officers

I'm fine I'm just a little dizzy, what happened? Jennifer asked

You got a little tranked, but I think you can walk her partner said as she helped Jennifer inside what she assumed was her own home

Ma'am you should reprogram it's dangerous to enter without lights on said the female police officer

Lights on? Jennifer said confused

Just as she said that the lights of the house suddenly came on and the two police officers set Jennifer down on the couch, she then noticed that the uniforms that police officers looked different than any police officer she'd seen, this made her even more confused.

Just take it easy you'll be fine and be careful in the future said police officer

The future? said Jennifer

Have a nice day, Mrs McFly said the police officers as they walked out the door

After the police left Jennifer looked at the projected screen acting as a curtain, it was showing a beautiful view of a fountain, she looked around the house, she saw that the decor wasn't like any house she's seen it was futuristic and homey at the same time and she put the piece together, the police officers outfits, the futuristic look, and that fact that she was called "Mrs McFly" she realized she was in the future.

I'm in the future! Jennifer whispered in shock

As she looked around the house, she saw a framed picture on the table beside a small Raggedy Andy doll and a Hank Wimbleton figurine, it showed her and Marty , as well as a 22 year old Chris and their parents George and Lorraine in front of the Chapel-O-Love, she was wearing a white wedding dress and Marty and Chris were wearing tuxedos, underneath the picture the caption said "Our Wedding Day, July 3rd 1994" this was their future wedding picture.

I get married in the Chapel-O-Love?! said Jennifer as she starred at the picture

"Mom, Mom is that you?"

"Is that Aunt Jennifer?"

Jennifer suddenly heard two voices upstairs she didn't know who it was but knew she needed get out and quick

I gotta get out of here! Jennifer exclaimed

Jennifer headed for the front door of the house and reached for the doorknob but realized there was no doorknob, as she tried to open the door, the doorbell suddenly rang, she needed to find a place to hide and looked around frantically until she found a nearby closet and hid herself inside, as she hid two teenage girls aged 17 came downstairs to see what was going on, it was Marty's daughter Marlene and Chris' daughter Stephanie or as she'd like to be called Stevie, Marlene looked like the female version of Marty but with Jennifer's eyes and Stevie she had blond hair much like her mother, and had her dad's love for rock music, Marlene was wearing a blue shirt with a cheetah patterned skirt, and Stevie was wearing a Blondie t-shirt and a white flannel shirt over it, both girls came downstairs cause they they thought they heard Jennifer's voice.

Mom?, Mom is that you? Marlene called out

Huh, I thought I heard Aunt Jennifer's voice said Stevie

Marlene and Stevie then heard the sound of the doorbell and went to answer the door they opened it and it was their grandparents George and Lorraine McFly.

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