Chapter 8: The Graveyard and Doc's Abandoned Lab

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Sunday October 27th 1985

Marty and Chris looked through gravestones at Oak Park Cemetery, looking for their father's grave, ever since their mother told them where he was, they had to look for themselves to see if it was true, as they looked at the names of the gravestones with a flashlight they stopped in the middle of the cemetery to see one of the gravestones it read In Loving Memory of George Douglas McFly, this was their father's grave.

No!, No!, this can't be happening!! said Marty

This can't be!! said Chris

Chris then moved a piece of a dead bush to the read the death date, their father George McFly died on March 15th 1973.

March 15th 1973?!, No!, Please God No!! Chris cried

please God no, this can't be happening!!, this can't be!! said Marty and Chris as they cried over their father's grave

As they sat there crying a shadow loomed over them they looked behind them and saw Doc, Einstein and the DeLorean in front of them, Doc was now wearing a black overcoat due to the cold weather, and like the boys he too had heard about their father's death

I'm afraid it is happening boys, all of it said Doc

Doc! Marty and Chris called out

When I learned about your father, I'd figured you'd both come here Doc said

Then you know what happened to him? Marty asked

Do you know what happened on March 15th 1973? Chris asked Doc

Yes Chris, I know said Doc

At Doc's lab...
The three of them retreated back to Doc's lab or what was left of it, the lab had been left abandoned and it was cleaned out by looters and The Valley Vipers had been there judging by the graffiti on the walls, the entire place was a mess, there were papers and boxes strewn about and Doc had to light the place with candles due to the electricity being out, Doc then showed Marty and Chris a scrapbook he'd got from the library full of newspapers that span from the late 1950's up to the early 1970's, as flipped through the pages they came across an article about their father's death.

I went to the public library to try to make sense out of all the madness, the place was boarded up and shut down so I broke in and borrowed some newspapers said Doc

I don't get it Doc, how can all this be happening? Marty asked Doc

It's like we're in hell or something! said Chris

No it's Hill Valley, though I can't imagine hell being much worse Doc said

Doc then heard the sound of Einstein whimpering over the fact that his dog bed was buried in beer bottles and papers Doc was about to go over there but Chris went over to help the poor pooch fix his bed.

There you go boy said Chris as he sat next to Einstein petting him

Obviously, the time continuum has been disrupted creating this new temporal event sequence resulting in this alternate reality! said Doc explaining how this happened

English, Doc! both boys said in unison

Here, Let me illustrate said Doc

Doc then got out a chalkboard underneath all the boxes and started explaining to Marty and Chris about how their time is so different to how they remember it much like a professor teaching his students.

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