Chapter 14: The Fateful Kiss and Johnny B. Goode (Reprise)

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Saturday November 12th 1955

Marty and Chris ran into the gym and through the crowd of slow dancing teenagers they saw their parents who had just shared their first kiss dance with each other, their father George waved at the other Marty on stage playing Earth Angel with Marvin Berry and the Starlighters with the other Chris who was backstage, they saw their parents dance together it made them happy knowing that they were together and they were doing whatever they can to keep it that way, the moment was interrupted when Biff's gang entered the gym, they quickly hid under the refreshments table to hide by the time the song reached its end.

Where'd they go?, they just came in here! said 3-D

one of Biff's goons then spotted who they thought were Marty and Chris was actually their other selves on the stage introducing the song they were about to play.

Look, how'd they get up on stage? said 3-D confused

I don't know but when they get down we're going to nail them! said Skinhead

How the hell do they change their clothes so fast said Match

Marty and Chris hid behind the table as they saw Biff's gang approaching the backstage area while the other Marty played the opening notes to Johnny B. Goode and right when the rest of the band joined in, Marty and Chris got out their walkie-talkies and made a call to Doc.

Doc, Doc come in! Marty yelled over the music

Marty, Chris, come in! answered Doc

Doc listen, Biff's guys chased us to the gym and they're going to jump us said Chris

Then get out of there! said Doc

No Doc, not us, the other us, the ones up on stage playing Johnny B. Goode said Marty

Great Scott!, your other selves will miss the lightning bolt at the clock tower, you won't get back to the future we'll have a major paradox said Doc

A paradox?, you mean one of those things that destroys the universe? asked Chris

Precisely, boys you have to stop those guys at all costs, but without being seen by your other selves or your parents said Doc

10-4 yelled Marty

Marty and Chris then we t through the crowd dancing to the music and saw their other selves on stage singing Johnny B. Goode and the other Marty playing one hell of a guitar solo

I'm not bad said Marty complimenting himself

Man, I have a great singing voice said Chris complimenting himself as well

Marty and Chris then saw on the right side of the backstage area Biff's gang carrying some objects ready to strike on their other selves as soon as they step off stage, Marty and Chris entered through the left side of the backstage area and saw their other selves rocking and rolling, they then saw a rope with sandbags other side of the stage, they could use it to knock them out, they had do it quick as the other Marty played another guitar solo.

Marty and Chris then climbed up the ladder and saw the bag of the other side of the stage tied to the stage light rig, they then crawled across the stage light very carefully, they then looked down to see the other Marty now doing the Chuck Berry duck walk and his guitar solo morphing into 80's hard rock territory and the other Chris banging his head to the music, they then saw the rope holding the sandbags in reach so Marty then reached over to grab the rope then as the other Marty's guitar solo reached its highest note, he pulled the rope and the sandbags fell on the heads of Biff's friend knocking them out.

They then used the rope to rappel down to the ground they looked over at their other selves as the other Marty handed the guitar back to Marvin Berry the lead singer

Ok, I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet, but your kids are going to love it the other Marty said to the audience

Marty and Chris saw Biff's goon start to come to, they then the let go of the rope dropping the sandbags on their head knocking them unconscious again, they then left the stage just as the other Marty and the other Chris walked off the stage and came across the sight of Biff's gang knocked unconscious

How'd these guys get here? said the other Chris

Marty and Chris then exited the stage and told Doc that they were out of there.

Hey Doc, success, everything's cool said Marty

Great, I'll be landing on the school roof in about one minute said Doc

We'll be there said Chris

Marty and Chris then left the building just before their other selves walked down the stairs from the stage and ran into Lorraine.

Lorraine! said the other Marty

Marty, that was very interesting music said Lorraine

Marty and Chris watched their other selves say farewell to their parents, as they watched the conversation, they were then approached by Biff who had a bloody nose and was mad as hell.

Hey buttheads!, you think those stupid disguises can get by me?, let's have it out Calvin you and me right now said Biff

No thanks said Marty as he and Chris walked away

Yeah, We're not in the mood to deal with your bullshit said Chris

What's the matter?, where you going?, are you chicken?! said Biff

Soon as Marty heard that name, that really got him, he hated being called chicken, Chris tried to get Marty to leave it alone but he refused he wanted to beat up Biff.

Marty, no don't, just leave it! said Chris

That's it isn't it?, nothing but a little chicken Biff taunted

Biff, shut up! Chris said

No, no, that's it, you're a little chicken said Biff

Marty was now face to face to Biff, he was now pissed off of him calling him chicken, he had enough

"Nobody calls me chic-"

Before Marty could even finish his sentence the door to the gym swung open and the other Marty and the other Chris ran out not knowing he hit Marty in the head which made him fall to the ground with a bruise on his head, Chris went to check on him when suddenly the almanac fell out of his jacket and landed at Biff's feet

What the hell?, you steal my stuff? said Biff angrily as picked up the almanac

Biff then kicked Chris in the face which gave him
a black eye and then kicked Marty really hard in the stomach.

And this one's for my car! Biff yelled

Biff then kicked him in the crotch, as Marty and Chris writhed in pain on the ground Biff walked back to his car with the almanac in his hand, he threw in the back seat and drove off, Marty and Chris then ran up to the stairs, up some ladders and they made it to the roof to see Doc trying to get the rope of flags off the DeLorean.

Doc, Doc we blew it!, Biff nailed us he took the book and drove away in his car! Marty said to Doc

We're sorry Doc, It's our fault we should've got out of there sooner said Chris

No time for that now, which way did he go? Doc asked

East, towards the River Road Tunnel Marty answered

Get in! said Doc

Doc, Marty and Chris all got in the DeLorean and Doc started flying off in the direction of Biff's car, as they flew off the rooftop of the high school, the other Marty and Chris were driving out of the parking lot to get to Doc's house then go back to the future, the other Chris then got a glimpse of the flying DeLorean as he saw it in the passenger side mirror

Hey, Marty said the other Chris

What? said the other Marty

The other Chris looked back in the mirror, the DeLorean was gone he thought he must've been seeing things.

Oh nevermind said the other Chris

There we go folks, Chapter 14 is finished, only 2 chapters left we're approaching the climax, Chapter 15 is on its way so stay tuned - TheRetroKid

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