More Sequels Are Coming Soon

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There you go my fellow readers, Back to the Future: Brothers in Time Part II is finished, I'm so glad you all enjoyed the story cause I had a great time writing it, but as you all know this isn't the end Part III is coming soon and the video game too in Parts IV, V and VI .

But before I can get to writing the rest of the sequels I have an announcement to make this series will be be temporarily put on hold while I work on the first two books of my new Harry Potter fanfic series which is a collaboration between me and my good friend and writing partner Carl867 , Chapter 1 and 2 of Philosopher's Stone (or Sorcerer's Stone if you live in the U.S) is up and published Chapter 3 is currently in the works, after I complete Philosopher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets, I'll get to writing Parts III and IV of Back to the Future, after that's done I go back to my Harry Potter fanfic series with Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire, after that I go back to writing Back to the Future with Parts V and VI and after my BTTF series is finished my focus will go on finishing my Harry Potter series on Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince and The Deathly Hallows with Carl867.

before I sign off I've got an another announcement to make, on Parts III, IV, V and VI of Back to the Future I'm not going to write it alone I'm going to writing it with another one of my friends here on Wattpad TS1fan2010 (also known as DramaTheory ) who came up with a new character who will be introduced in Part III and who will be joining the McFly siblings on many adventures through time.

Well that's all for now, Part III is coming soon so stay tuned

- TheRetroKid

Back to the Future: Brothers in Time Part III
Coming Soon

Back to the Future: Brothers in Time Part II Where stories live. Discover now