stressed - matt

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i got this idea from one of my irl friends who is a matt girl !!
( this includes a oc called gemma )

as i wait for matt to exit the shower, i lay on his neatly made bed. i lay on my stomach while watching my phone for any notifications from my job offer, but nothing comes up. i hear the shower stop and i look up, the bathroom door opens. matt walks out with a towel around his neck and his favourite pajamas on him.

his eyes are red and puffy. his voice is shaky and his body is slightly tense and pale. "matt?" i speak in a soft voice. "m-mhm?" he mumbles. "c'mere." i sit up on his bed and hold out my arms for him to enter.

he walks over to the bed and sits down next to me. a few moments later is latches into my arms. his head rests on my chest. "what's going on?" i say, pulling out of the hug moments later. "it's stupid, gem." matt sniffles. "nothing you say is stupid." i reply.

matt takes a deep breath and holds my hands to comfort himself. "i just been..i have been so stressed- because of how bad my anxiety is at the moment and because of how you might be leaving in a few days to go to a job offer.. I'll be left alone." matt's voice breaks.

it breaks my heart to see him like this. i move back and rest my back and head against the headboard of his bed. i slightly open my legs a little so he can climb in between them and rest his head on my stomach.

once he does that i start to play with his hair. "im so sorry that im part of the reasons your stressing out. you said it was okay, and that you would be fine. i was stupid to listen to that." i reply as my voice softens, feeling horrible for matt.

matt stays quiet for a moment while resting his head on my stomach. "your not stupid, you just trusted what i said. im sorry, i guess you can't trust me anymore." matt tears up more. "no, no..i trust you, matt. i trust you with my life." i quickly reassure him.

"you sure? you sure you trust me with..with your life?" matt asks. i nod. he sits up and climbs over my legs to be on my side. he nuzzles his body right next to mine and seeks comfort. i kiss his forehead and continue to play with his hair.

matt smiles softly and his face doesn't look upset anymore. "gemma?" he says. "yes, matt?" i reply. "i really, really like you." he smiles, the corner of his lips turning upwards as the biggest smile forms on his face. "i really, really like you too." i say back to him. i lean down and softly kiss his cheek.

authors note
i didn't know how to end this
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