smoking - nick

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this is also made up! it got requested by someone in the comments of the last nick imagine!!

summary - nick starts smoking as a way to cope with his struggles, also because some older influencers do it and he wants to fit in. this was the only way to soothe the pain since all the sharp objects in the house are gone.

the past, 1 month ago:

me and my brothers, matt and chris went to a party with some known influencers. we all split up to find our friends, and i walked up to a group of people i wanted to befriend. after a few conversations i follow them outside, when one of the girls pull out a lighter and a box of cigarettes. at first, i refused. but after more and more convincing, i gave in. i wanted to fit in.

present day:

its two in the morning, my brothers are finally asleep. i got a lighter and cigarette box from my 'friends'. i walk onto my balcony and sit down. i light the cigarette and begin to smoke. it felt rough, but amazing. as the smell of tobacco latched onto my clothes.

i didnt want to admit it, im hooked onto cigarettes. after a car video, smoke. after a party, smoke. after a shower, smoke. it was a constant cycle. my brothers always warned me not to smoke, ever since we lost a friend to smoking, but i didnt care. but i made sure to keep this a secret. no one can know.

suddenly, i hear the sliding door open. "nick what are you doing?" chris whispers, rubbing his eyes. he cleary just woke up. i look at him. "uhm! nothing.." i speak quickly, trying to hide the fact i was doing something i said id never do. once chris's vision goes back to normal, his eyes widen at the sight. "nick! give it!" he yells.

i sigh and hand him the cigarette. he immediately puts it on the floor and stomps on it. "and the rest?" he holds his hand out. i give him the box.

timeskip, next day:

long story short, matt and chrid scolded me about it and told me i cant do that anymore, and of course, i argued back, which resulted in my brothers screaming at me to listen.

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